Spring is finally here, with all of its beautiful flowers. The flowers are breathtaking for more than just their beauty. They help kick off allergy season. If you are suffering from allergies this season, think twice before reaching for those over-the-counter prescriptions. Instead, keep reading to find out why you should start treating your allergies the natural way.
How do you deal with your Allergies?
Most people who suffer from allergies are quick to reach for an over-the-counter medication. Now and days there seems to be a pill for everything that ails you. However, that convince seems to come with a hefty price. Research has shown that there are even more possible side effects that go with these medications than appear on the box. If you have ever heard their commercials, where they go over the laundry list of side effects that can occur while taking these pills, it can be mind-boggling to hear that there are even more side effects.

Some of the additional side effects include:
- low sex drive
- increase in appetite
- altered taste and smell
- infertility in women
- anxiety
- depression
- impaired thinking
- and even long-term health problems
The Natural Approach
What is allergy suffers do? Conveniently, there are hundreds of all-natural options out there what’s even better, little to no side effects.
Yes, everyone is different, and therefore we react differently to the same stimulus. However, all of these natural treatments are easy for your body to identify and metabolize. Your body, just like you or I, want things it can identify! A good rule of thumb, if you cannot pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t be putting it into your body.
- Raw local honey
- Apple cider vinegar
- Quercetin
- Eating an anti-inflammatory diet
- Stinging Nettl
- Butterbur
- Bromelain
If you are looking to treat your allergies in another holistic way why not try:
- a neti pot
- homemade nasal inhaler
- eucalyptus oil
- lemon oil
- peppermint oil
- lavender oil
- saline spray
What is your current allergy treatment? If you would like us to post our favorite recipe for the nasal inhaler to treat your allergies, leave a comment!

Have Questions?
As always if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly at DrDeeandMe@gmail.com or leave a comment below. If you are looking for some one-on-one help to take back control of your health and happiness why not book a call with me today? Here at Ask Dr. Dee blog, I pride myself on providing you with content that is beneficial to your daily lives. If there is something you would like more information or even a favorite recipe you would like turned into a healthier option please feel free to let me know in the comment section below.
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