In my business, I find that my clients are constantly struggling in two key areas: exposure and conversions. Now, I am all about making sure you get your message out there and increasing your online visibility. I mean how many people are you helping if no one knows you exist? However, at the end of the day, your ability to convert determines how much you make and will have to re-invest into your business. Converting clients is not as easy as it may sound. Companies spend the majority of their profits, both projected and earned, on converting clients. That is a huge chunk of your business!
Maximize Conversions
When I explain to my clients why figuring out how to maximize conversions is the best way to grow their business they normally don’t need a lot of convincing. Most people don’t realize, however, how many steps there are to converting a client. Let alone that there are two different areas of clients you are converting: newly acquired or prospecting and your existing clients. That is right, even after you have converted a potential client into an actual client you will still need to continue to convert them on working with you. In this article, I will help breakdown the best way to convert a client and all the steps it takes to get there.
Get To Know Your Client
In my online course, I teach my experts about the importance of giving their audience (potential clients) multiple opportunities in which to interact with them. That means we are constantly introducing ourselves and our business while slowly getting to know them. I try to explain it the way dating used to be before you could just swipe right or left. You want to take the time to get to know your client and let them get to know you. At the end of the day, people are more likely to purchase a product that invokes a feeling in them over something that doesn’t. But how do you build up a relationship with a client online?
Put Yourself Out There
Well to start you want to get yourself noticed. The peacock method may work in generating interest. It is not ideal for establishing long-term relationships. For those of you who don’t know what peacocking is, it is when you wear something outrageous to catch someone’s attention or distract them from something you would rather they didn’t focus on. If you are looking to create an organic growth you want to do something that is more on the brand to you and your company. For example, if you are a nutritionist you could post a blog with an amazing recipe. This is a great way for people to sample what they would get when they work with you. Plus, in the future, you can compile all of your blog recipes into a book and give them away or better yet sell them!
Communication Is Key
This leads us to the next step, offering a freebie! Let’s face it we all love freebies and when you do them right you can increase your contact list quickly. How do you create a freebie the right way? To start you want something that stays on brand. For example, if you are a nutritionist don’t put a freebie out there that talks about how to fix your car. You want it to stay in your area of genius. The best freebies are the ones that focus on a key problem your target demographic is dealing with. You want to tie that into the solution, which should be your service or product. The best thing about freebies is that you can make them on anything and out of anything. It has been my experience, however, that most people do not respond to free sessions with you.
Give A Gift!
Once you have the freebie you want to tie it back into you and your business. I suggest ebooks to my clients. Not only are they a great way to educate their potential and existing clients they are also perfect for linking to an email campaign. Now, I know what you are thinking. No one likes to have spam emails. That is why your email campaign should provide your audience with content they can actively use! I try to do one letter as a thank you, the second as a gift with a little story about me, and the third letter should offer them an additional step. The additional set acts as your call to action. You want to tell them how they can continue to solve their current problem.
Test The Waters
One of my favorite ways to continue to solve existing problems for my clients is through short-term programs or challenges. It is another great way for them to see how working with you will be. You can either charge for these challenges or offer them as an additional freebie. But the goal is the same, you want them to get to know you and how you work a little bit better. These challenges or short-term programs should be no longer than one week! Again, this is just a sample of what it is like to work with you. You don’t want to dive right in and overwhelm them. Think of this as the first date in your relationship everything that has lead up to this point was just introductions. Just like in life, there are going to be those individuals who are ready to marry you day one.
Slow & Steady Wins The Race
Whatever stage your client starts at you want to provide them with as many options to work with you as you can. Some individuals will need more than one date to commit to a long-term relationship and that is fine. Make sure you have something to accommodate them. Once you have onboarded your new client you want to continue to nurture and develop that relationship. The best way to do this is by continuing to do what you do best! When you are passionate about your service or product it shows and you want to share it with others. Which, is why you should continue to put out content in the form of blogs, workshops, freebies, programs, you name it. At the end of the day, you just want to make sure that you stay true to who you are and your brand.
How To Date Like A Pro
So the next time you are looking to increase your conversion rates make sure you remember to date your clients both current and potential. The following is a list of my top strategies to help you date like a pro:
- Introduce Yourself (blog, podcast, social media, etc.)
- Give Them A Gift (Freebies the gift that keeps on giving!)
- Stay In Contact (Email Campaigns are a great way to keep communication open.)
- Go On A Date (Offer Short-term programs or challenges)
- Make It Official (Offer long-term programs)
- Continue To Make Them Feel Special (Keep the content coming!)
Are You Ready To Be An Influencer?
I hope this article helps you to share your mission with the world. If you are interested in some additional help, feel free to contact me directly. There are tons of ways to increase your exposure online and on the air. Don’t believe me? Be sure to subscribe to my next article that will break down even more ways to extend your reach. If you are a health and wellness expert looking for help to become the next major influencer in your field, I would love to hear from you. I offer an online course that can help you do just that. For more information, book a one-on-one consultation call with me. If you are the best at what you do and no one knows you exist, how many people can you help?
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