Karma, Timelines, and Akashic Records: The Art of Conscious Manifesting – You’ve probably heard of “manifesting,” but what is conscious manifesting? The truth is, we live in a vibrational world where we are always manifesting something. Every word, thought, emotion or action you take has a vibrational resonance to it, and the universe is always sending you a vibrational match in terms of people, situations and circumstances.
This process happens whether you are aware of it or not; it’s due to the Law of Attraction and a host of other universal laws that govern our experience here in the physical realm. So, you have a choice: you can either dismiss the idea that the negativity showing up in your life is a direct result of your low vibration, or you can consciously and intentionally work toward creating a more positive outcome instead. I call it the Art of Conscious Manifesting, and it includes clearing your karma, mastering timeline jumping and a spiritual tool called the Akashic Records.
Clearing Your Karma
Every soul comes in with karma, which is the energy of choices you made in a past life that did not align to you and needs to be balanced out through new empowered action. It will remain with your soul for as many lifetimes as it takes to clear it. Karma, just like everything else, has a frequency and vibration and will cause you to repeatedly attract results of similar vibration, giving you an opportunity to make that new empowered choice.
Until you do, you cannot attract or maintain higher vibrational results, and it will keep you feeling stuck and unable to manifest what you truly desire. Once you become aware of the fact that you have complete control over your choices to clear karma by making purposeful choices to create a new outcome, you can make extraordinary leaps forward.
Your Akashic Record:
Every action you take is energetically recorded in your Akashic Record. It stores information about your soul gifts, your chosen life experiences, and your karma. You probably are not aware of this, but you are always interacting with your Akashic Record! The information stored there serves as a driver for each of your life experiences, allowing you to engage in the lessons you chose to have, clear karma that is holding you back, and encourage you to choose your highest potential in any one lifetime.
When you resist those experiences that your Akashic Record presents to you, you will feel stuck and unable to manifest your desires. The good news is that your Akashic Record can be accessed intuitively to help you understand why things are happening in your life, and new choices you can make to overcome challenges. I teach you how in my Akashic Records Healing Course, “Live a Soul-Powered Life!”
Timeline Jumping
A timeline is an energy pathway that is opened whenever you make a new choice, allowing that choice to play out toward a particular outcome. We always have a myriad of timelines available to us, each leading to a different outcome. We have free will to choose any timeline we want. Moreover, we can change the timeline we are on at any time. This is what’s known as “timeline jumping.” Most people stay on one timeline for their entire life. But if you want a different future, you must be willing to make the necessary changes in your life that will place you on that new timeline. But ego can make this challenging.
When you choose a new timeline, you don’t know how it’s going to end, and this upsets the ego which tries to “keep you safe” by creating resistance to “unnecessary risks.” We are taught to make decisions based on the results of past choices, but timeline jumping involves making decisions from an unknown future. Here is where the Akashic Records come in handy once again. Not only can you clear past-life karma in your Akashic Record, but you can also extrapolate out into future potentials by examining available timelines.
A Real-Life Example:
Carol came to me about 5 years ago with chronic anxiety and auto-immune disease. She had no idea why she was so ill and could not see a way out of it. This is common for people who are so entrenched in their karmic patterns that they simply don’t see the negativity they’ve created for themselves, which often leads to physical disease. I did a series of Akashic Readings to help her see that she was simply repeating lifetimes of karmic people-pleasing and over-giving to the point of accepting abuse in her marriage and control by a dominating parent in this lifetime.
The constant negative energy she kept herself in led to her physical illness. We worked on clearing her karma which helped her see her empowerment. She finally got to the point where she could create healthier boundaries in her relationships and enjoy longer periods of remission from her disease. Then she asked me to help her manifest a future in which she had a different career, earning more money. It was through her Akashic Record that I guided her on new actions she needed to take to jump to that desired timeline and the experiences she could expect along the way.
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More articles from Patty Oliver.