Healing The Receiving Wound: No More Being the “Good Girl” for Safety – As women, we have been trained to be caretakers, nurturers, givers, and over-givers. Most of us can relate to a scenario from childhood where we were told to do something that made the other person comfortable but left us feeling completely uncomfortable.
We were taught to be polite by social standards regardless of our own personal needs and feelings. We are taught that giving is better than receiving, and so we give because we want to feel safe. Safety has come in the form of being accepted, approved of, validated, and liked—being a “good girl.”
It has created an epidemic of over-giving women who feel depleted, depressed and disillusioned that as the: good girl” there really isn’t any reward but left to tend to autoimmune dis-eases and healing leaky gut from eye arts of giving away our power, voice and identity all in the name of SAFETY.
In our modern age, we are taking on more responsibilities and have less support and while “ it takes a village” my question is where IS the village?”
We have become increasingly separated and less connected, and increased isolation has created more stress and separation than sacred. It is time to heal the RECEIVING WOUND!
Receiving requires you to lean back, lean in, be with and steady and settle into your body.
In order to receive and tap into your embodied manifesting activations you must learn to RELAX. This can be difficult when living in fight/flight most of the time but practicing to breathe and drop into a place within your body can help regulate your nervous system. This will support access to your parasympathetic nervous system which creates space, grounding, steadiness, centered state which allows more flow and ease.
When we access this state in our system – body and mind- we can create and receive ideas, support, and abundance in all its forms.
Doing this will ALLOW expansion and release the constrictions and contractions that we feel on a daily basis when we are struggling to survive and just get through the day.
A salt bath, a short walk, and 3-minutes of having your face in the sun can all be glimmers that support our ability to recharge and receive.
Deepening these practices creates a prosperous pause that we require and desire for much-needed space in our busy days.
Let’s change the paradigm of being over-givers and start opening the space to receive more of what we deserve. Claiming this simple and effective strategy will not only support our mental and physical health but will supercharge your manifesting power for success, abundance, and wealth in every area of your life.
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