Exclusive Interview with Akashic Energy Healer Patty Oliver
Best Holistic Life Magazine: Can you share with our readers the pivotal moment that led you to pursue transformational energy healing and become a spiritual advisor?
Patty Oliver: It was my diagnosis of breast cancer in 2007 that prompted me to make new conscious choices to lead a happier, more fulfilling life. After healing from surgery and chemotherapy, I decided to become an entrepreneur and open a business, but it was in the skincare industry. I was introduced to energy healing about a month after I opened my business in a rather synchronistic way!
I met an energy healer at a last-minute networking event that I almost didn’t attend. I had no idea what energy healing was, but I felt like it was divine timing because I was quickly redirected to do energy work after that meeting, and it all fell into place so easily. I started offering energy healing in the form of Reiki to my skincare clients, and within a few years, I decided to move full-time into energy healing work. It was then that my energy work shifted to past lives and Akashic Records.
Apparently, the universe knew I had latent intuitive skills and abilities and was just waiting for me to choose a more empowered trajectory before opening me up to it! After doing hundreds of Akashic readings and healing sessions, I can confidently say that this is exactly how we attract new aligned opportunities into our space: by changing our choices, which puts us on a new timeline. This then raises our vibration, which changes what can flow to us through the Law of Attraction.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: Your work with the Akashic Records is fascinating. For those unfamiliar, could you explain what the Akashic Records are and how they can impact an individual’s life?
Patty Oliver: The Akashic Records is like an energetic database; it holds all the information about the universe and its past, present, and future. Every soul has its own Akashic Record, which holds all the information about that soul from its moment of origination from the Source, including soul gifts, attributes, chosen life experiences, and karma.
Karma is the energy of choices you’ve made in past lives that did not align with your soul growth and evolution and will keep you in negative repeating patterns in this and future lifetimes until you empower yourself over it. Your karma will dictate the family and circumstances you are born into, the situations you will face and the types of relationships you will have. Unresolved karma will only expand into other areas of your life; what might start as a negative family dynamic can begin to affect your friendships, your romantic relationships and then eventually your career, your money and even your health! This is why it is so important to address any negative pattern in your life by making new choices; avoidance or hoping it will go away will only make karma more pervasive.
You have the power to change the direction of your life at any time, and your Akashic Record is your guidebook on how to make that change. It will show you exactly why things are happening in your life and new actions you can take to resolve it once and for all. Your Akashic Record will also identify your soul gifts so you can live your life with more ease and authenticity.
We all have the ability to intuitively access our own Akashic Record for healing, insight and manifestation, we just need to learn how! I often refer to the Akashic Records as the single most potent source of information about yourself and how to live your highest joy and potential. When you learn how to work with your Akashic Record, you can make amazing leaps in your transformation and what can flow to you as a result.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: How has your personal journey through cancer influenced your approach to energy healing and spirituality?
Patty Oliver: When you receive a cancer diagnosis, you are reminded of just how short a physical life can be. And while we’ve all heard that you could have anything you want in life, very few actually believe it or follow through on making their dreams a reality. But with Akashic Records, you can absolutely live an abundant and joyful life – even better than your dreams!
It’s like what happened to me; I originally set out to have a career in skincare. I had no idea it would involve energy healing! But I released the need to know what my life would look like or the path I would take to get there; I just kept following my intention to be happy and abundant while taking inspired action. This is another secret to manifesting, which is to release outcomes while continuing to move forward with your passions and inspirations.
It doesn’t mean you will never encounter negativity or setbacks. When you learn that everything is energy and everything happens for your highest good – which is either to clear karma or put you on a new path – you can overcome obstacles much more easily. I teach my clients to persevere through their fears and challenges because the abundance they seek is on the other side of that. Hundreds of Akashic readings and healings have taught me this, along with my own personal transformational experiences in the Records.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: Many of our readers are curious about how to begin their healing journeys. What first steps do you recommend for someone interested in exploring their Akashic Records for healing?
Patty Oliver: Working with your Akashic Record requires that you connect with your higher consciousness. It involves setting aside the ego and trusting what you receive as true and accurate for you and your soul’s growth. Therefore, the very first thing I recommend to anyone who wants to work with their Akashic Record is to first practice quieting the mind so you can hear your inner wisdom. This could involve meditation or deep breathing, and you could do this while listening to binaural beats to encourage relaxation and activate the pineal gland. In my online course, I purposefully created several guided mediations with music for this exact reason. You could also try other energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, to release energy blocks and clear your energy field.
Another technique to tap into your higher mind is free writing, which is putting pen to paper and just writing without stopping. Let yourself be guided by your higher self and simply write whatever wants to flow. This bypasses the ego and allows the soul to express itself more easily. Also, working with tarot and oracle cards is another way to connect and gain access to your spiritual wisdom.
Once you’ve practiced receiving information through these types of methods and trusting that it is accurate for you without judgment, then you can really begin tapping into your Akashic Record. You can do this by simply setting the intention to access your Akashic Record and asking just one question that you’d like insight for. Wait to receive some type of intuitive answer, and then leave the Records with a prayer of gratitude. There are proper ways to phrase questions and also how to interpret what you receive, which I teach in my online course.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: In your experience, how can understanding and aligning with one’s soul blueprint aid in the healing process, especially for cancer survivors?
Patty Oliver: Aligning with your soul blueprint helps you be your true, authentic, divine self. This often means unwinding everything that is not in alignment with your true self, which is usually your repeating karmic patterns. Over time, alignment will help you release negative thoughts and limiting beliefs and see people and situations for who and what they truly are, and not how you want them to be. This helps you to heal emotional triggers and release old traumas that you might still be clinging to and offer forgiveness to yourself and others.
Everything is energy, and when you heal negative patterns and release negative energy, it calms the nervous system and allows positive energy to flow in. This helps stimulate the physical body’s natural healing mechanisms, which can support overall health and well-being, especially for cancer survivors.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: The concept of clearing karma within the Akashic Records is intriguing. Could you explain how this process works and its benefits?
Patty Oliver: Karma is simply the energy of a choice you made in a past life that didn’t align with your soul’s design for abundance and is considered negative for that reason. It’s not like you must have done something terrible in a past life to create karma! It’s simply energy that does not serve your soul’s growth and evolution. For example, negative karma can be a limiting belief that you hold, such as a lack of self-worth. Since we only take action on what we believe to be true, we will continue to make choices based on a lack of self-worth until we change it.
It may have been a conscious choice you made in a past life, or you may have been forced into a decision for any number of reasons. Either way, the energy of those misaligned choices will stay with you and cause you to attract similar circumstances until balanced out by an empowered choice, regardless of how long – or how many lifetimes – that might take.
I mentioned earlier that unresolved karma will dictate all of your future circumstances. Just like we benefit from positive karma that moves you forward in life, negative karma will hold you back. Many of us are blind to our karma. We don’t understand why we’re stuck; we just know we are unhappy and unsure of how to change it.
By learning to access your Akashic Record, you can unveil every obstacle in your path. You can understand exactly how and why the karmic pattern started, how it brought you to your current life circumstances, and how to change it to create the life you desire. This is huge for understanding your manifesting process, because you can only attract what you are vibrationally aligned to. Universal law tells us this! But you will always attract the energy of your karma first, giving you an opportunity to balance it out. Once you do, you raise your vibration and what can flow to you as a result.
Once you understand this and realize that you need to address everything in your life that does not align with your desired outcome, you will have more reason to persevere and make the necessary changes to reach your goals. Clearing karma in your Akashic Record is the easiest, fastest, and most powerful way to do this.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: Could you share a memorable story where accessing the Akashic Records led to significant healing or transformation for one of your clients?
Patty Oliver: I have so many stories I could share, as I’ve done hundreds of readings for clients all around the world! People come to me when they feel absolutely stuck in their lives and can’t seem to make anything happen for them in any life area. And I’m talking about successful people as well, not just those who might be completely down and out. But this is what can happen when karma remains unresolved long enough; it will stop the flow of abundance in all life areas until you choose to rise above it.
One of my clients – I’ll call her Miriam – was a doctor and a therapist. She was divorced with two teenage children who were still at home. While she was successful in her business, she really wanted to shift her line of work to another discipline but wasn’t sure how to go about it and still maintain a good income. And, she really wanted to have a new romantic partner, but all she seemed to attract were unsuccessful men or those with serious commitment fears or other types of emotional baggage. To top it off, she had bouts of unexplained chronic fatigue and illness.
I worked with her for about a year. During our sessions, I discovered in her Akashic Record a number of past lives as a female in which she had given her power away to a male spouse – a very common theme for women, especially in past lives when women truly had no choice but to submit to their spouse. She also had past lives with family members in which she always ended up being the caretaker. I helped her see how she was still giving her power away in a similar way in her present-life relationships, both family and romantic, which was depleting her of vital force energy and was misaligned with her soul gifts.
As I cleared her of these tendencies, she would tell me that the few guys she dated suddenly left her space. This is due to vibrational inequity; once I cleared her karma, it raised her vibration, and those men were no longer a vibrational match. This meant that, vibrationally, they would eventually have to leave her space in some way due to the Law of Attraction (we can only attract what we are vibrationally aligned to). To support the clearing, she started taking a more empowered approach to the men in her life and also upheld higher standards for herself when it came to dating and eventually found a guy that she really liked. She also started saying no to family members who were taking advantage of her giving nature.
She also had clients who were misaligned with her energy, and once the karma was cleared, she was able to release those clients and uphold better boundaries with new clients. Over time, she discovered that she had more energy and felt more joyful. This gave her time and energy to start doing more writing as well as taking some courses in the area she wanted to move her business to. She connected with me about a year later and let me know that she had shifted her line of work and was actually earning more money than she thought she could. She had also recently bought a house with her new boyfriend, and she was just so much happier and more settled overall. And her health improved; she no longer had bouts of chronic fatigue since our last session. This is a pretty typical client success story!
Best Holistic Life Magazine: You’ve also emphasized the importance of balancing chakras and managing energy fields. Can you share some practical tips for our readers to maintain an energetic balance?
Patty Oliver: I think the best way to bring balance to your energy field is by developing self-awareness. Understand WHY you do things and why you are feeling negative emotions in particular, and know that you have the power to overcome negativity by making a new choice. You can change your thoughts, your beliefs, and your state of being at any time.
Give yourself permission to live authentically and do the things you love in a way that supports the lifestyle you desire. This creates natural peace and joy, and there’s nothing more beneficial for supporting your energy body, including balanced chakras. This is another reason why I love the Akashic Records so much; if you are really struggling with understanding why you are feeling a certain way or have a certain belief, you can ask and receive the insight you need.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: Your online course offers a pathway for individuals to access their own Akashic Record. What can participants expect to learn and experience through this course?
Patty Oliver: I titled the course “Live a Soul-Powered Life” because I teach you from the very first module exactly what energy and karma are and how you are a soul having a temporary human experience. You are here because your soul wants to express itself through your physical body, through your passions, desires and natural talents. Anything not in alignment with that is in your power to change.
I give you energetic attunements so you can become accustomed to working in the higher vibrational field of the Akash and working with your Akashic Guides. I teach you an easy method for accessing your Akashic Record and how to phrase questions, which is very important for extracting only the information you want to receive. I also teach you how to interpret your answers, including how to use a pendulum and charts for deeper understanding. You will learn how to clear karmic soul contracts and vows, repair soul fragmentation, release energy cords, and much more. I also give you exercises for creating an empowered mindset and releasing emotional triggers to support your clearing and rise in vibration as you clear karma.
I also created a section on how to read the Akashic Records of others, so you can read for family and friends or even start a business if you choose. I’m available any time for student questions either through email or through an online community.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: Writing as a featured columnist, what message do you most want to convey about energy healing and spiritual empowerment?
Patty Oliver: Everyone has the ability to overcome their negative circumstances and create an abundant life! It’s truly about changing your energy and aligning with your authentic self. It might take several years to see it all come together because changing negative patterns is never easy. But if you’re willing to do the work, there are spiritual tools available at your fingertips to help you move through those changes with more grace and ease. As you begin to balance karma and raise your vibration, you get to witness new results that will flow to you because of your new empowered state.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: The “Akashic Truth Oracle” is a unique tool you’ve created. How can this oracle deck enhance one’s connection to one’s Akashic Record and overall intuition?
Patty Oliver: I love oracle cards! I started using them early on in my spiritual awakening to help me think beyond my own mindset and experiences. It helped me see the bigger picture of why things were taking place in my life and opportunities I might miss if I weren’t paying attention.
When I decided to create The Akashic Truth Oracle card deck, I wanted it to mirror the Akashic readings that I would give. So, the deck includes six life areas that you can get focused insight on: Career/Business, Money/Investments, Romance/Partnership, Family/Friends, Health & Wellness, and Personal/Spiritual Growth. There are also 47 cards describing the energy of actions you could take. One sample reading is to ask what your current energy is in each life area and then what to change if you want a specific outcome.
This can be incredibly valuable for someone who is feeling stuck and unsure of why or what to change. It can also help confirm a direction you might be thinking of taking. I’ve had so many customers thank me for giving them the confirmation and insight they were missing by using the deck!
Best Holistic Life Magazine: In the realm of holistic healing, how do you see the role of traditional medicine intersecting with energy healing, especially for those battling illnesses like cancer?
Patty Oliver: I believe it will continue to come together, combining the two for more tailored treatments, including those dealing with diseases like cancer. Energy medicine can have a profound healing effect, both direct and indirect. It can support traditional medicine by opening the body’s natural energy pathways as well as relaxing the mind and the nervous system so that medical treatment can be received more readily. Energy healing can also assist with recovery time, whether it is in between medical treatments or after.
The same goes for mental health and wellness. Energy medicine can help shed new light on difficult situations for patients, which can then be dealt with more effectively during their counseling or therapy sessions.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: Your contribution to “Intuitive: Speaking her Truth” and your own works reflect a deep commitment to sharing healing stories. You’ve recently written a book, “Heal, Transform & Manifest with Akashic Records, Your Path to Living a Soul-Powered Life.” What has writing taught you about the healing journey?
Patty Oliver: One of my biggest karmic blocks has always been the fear of being in the spotlight. I’ve struggled with it my entire professional life. I knew I would eventually need to take my own advice and stop avoiding it, as it only causes karma to go deeper and block abundance. My work in my own Akashic Record taught me the steps I needed to take based on my own soul blueprint to work my way up to the point where I felt I was ready to tackle something like writing a book.
It’s about taking one step at a time to embody a new energy and vibration—just like I teach my clients! First, I needed to address issues in my personal life by finding my voice and standing up for myself and what I believed in. Then, I took new action in my business and tried new things by taking on more visible projects, gaining confidence along the way.
Each project that I completed helped me see my own empowerment. I became much more confident in my ability to accomplish anything I set my mind to while successfully opening new revenue streams for my business. Writing about my transformation has helped me see that while the healing process is messy and uncomfortable, the peace and fulfillment on the other side are priceless.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: For someone just beginning their path to spiritual awareness and healing, it can feel overwhelming. What advice do you have for staying grounded and centered through the process?
Patty Oliver: Yes, choosing to overcome your karma and empower yourself is never an easy process. It’s full of ups and downs and will require a lot of difficult choices. It can indeed be scary and overwhelming and feel like things are falling apart—the literal dark night of the soul.
I’d say that you need to welcome those scary moments and choose to move through those dark nights (or months!) of uncertainty with as much grace as possible. Remind yourself of all that you have accomplished and how far you’ve come and give yourself all the self-love and self-care you need to get you through. This will be different for everyone, but for me I indulged in salt baths, massages, saunas, and spiritual retreats to help me realize the deep healing that I was offering myself was the most important soul work I could do. I cried, I screamed, I journaled, I meditated and did yoga. I gave myself permission to take the time I needed, and my goodness it was so worth it! I know I would not have been able to accomplish all the things I’ve done so far if I hadn’t.
Best Holistic Life Magazine: Lastly, as we honor Cancer Survivor Month, what message of hope and empowerment would you like to share with survivors and those currently on their cancer journey?
Patty Oliver: Cancer may have affected you physically. For myself, I opted for a double mastectomy. But your soul is always whole and powerful. Honor your physical experience by letting go of what no longer serves you mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Release resentments, offer forgiveness and give yourself permission to live your highest joy in every little moment. Honestly, none of us knows how long we are going to live, whether we are dealing with cancer or not. Being mindful of spending every minute doing what you love and being who you want to be is the best gift you can give yourself during and after your healing journey.
Anyone can learn to access their Akashic Record for healing, transformation, and manifestation. You don’t need any special skills, and I will teach you how to do it in my Akashic Healing course, “Live a Soul-Powered Life!” You can read more about this course on my website.
It’s time to start living your soul-powered life
by learning to access the Akashic Records!
You’ll enjoy 7 video-based modules, over 6 hours of spiritual teaching, guided meditations, energetic attunements, comprehensive workbooks with exercises and spiritual practices, 4 bonus journals, and an online community.
- Learn More about Healing Through Akashic Records
- Download your FREE Soul Alignment & Empowerment Bundle! It’s a 10-minute guided meditation to balance your energy field and a set of 12 printable affirmation cards to jumpstart your healing journey!
- More articles from Patty Oliver.