Your Future Starts Now: Break Free from Your Past – As we step into the fresh beginnings of spring, a time of renewal and growth, it is the perfect moment to reflect on the power of transformation and the possibility of change. Shortly before we lost one of our national treasures, I had the honor of visiting Dr. Maya Angelou’s home to interview her for a Women of the Bible special for the Lifetime cable channel. After our interview, she invited the entire crew to share lunch with her. As we ate, Dr. Angelou went around the table, asking each of us what we wanted to do in life and how she could help. This generous gesture truly floored me.
Dr. Angelou then closed our time together with a thought-provoking message on what it means to be human. The essence of her words was simple yet powerful: If you are thinking about something, it is because you have the ability to do it. Especially when someone has achieved something similar before you. If anyone embodied this wisdom through their extraordinary life experiences, it was Dr. Angelou herself.
So, if you dream of learning six languages as she did, you can. If you wish to climb the highest peak on every continent, as Richard Bass did in 1985, you can. If you desire to go into space, like Russian engineer Valentina Tereshkova—who, in 1963, became the first woman in space—you can. The message is clear: “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Just look at what Walt Disney, who coined this phrase, created.
British philosopher James Allen once said, “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” These words from his 1903 book As a Man Thinketh remind us of our thoughts’ power to shape our lives. We each create our world through the lens of our perception, which is influenced by our thoughts, emotions, and the results of past actions.
While there are certain things beyond our control—death, destruction, disease—what remains essential is how we find personal meaning, even in the face of hardship. Dr. Angelou’s life exemplifies this. Despite enduring unimaginable trauma, including being raped at seven years old, surviving the deep-seated prejudices of the Depression-era South, and even working as a pimp and prostitute, Dr. Angelou rose to become a celebrated memoirist, poet, journalist, playwright, and civil rights activist beloved by millions. Why? Because she chose to rise above the despair and shame that might have otherwise hindered her path.
Spring is a season of renewal, a time when we can reframe our perceptions and open ourselves to new possibilities. Just as the earth awakens with fresh growth, so too can we choose to grow beyond past experiences or limiting beliefs. Even amidst profound difficulty, those who find meaning in their lives often discover greater happiness and abundance. They realize that their perception shapes their future. No matter the circumstances of the past or present, what you believe about yourself is what will likely manifest in your life. If you believe you control your destiny, you will create the reality to support that belief.
This spring, embrace the energy of renewal. Set a higher, more expansive vision for yourself that goes beyond material or financial pursuits. When you view your life through a broader lens, you will begin to see the true abundance surrounding you. There is so much to live for when you open yourself to life’s possibilities.
As you embrace this season of growth, remember to stay open, curious, attentive, intentional, and grateful. Be willing to receive life in its full richness, even when what you desire appears in a form you had not originally envisioned. Life is not about escaping challenges. It is about finding the freedom to create the world you want. Embrace the potential of this new season and allow your thoughts to guide you toward a future of limitless possibilities.
Part of this article is an excerpt from Take a Shot at Happiness: How to Write, Direct & Produce the Life You Want, which was named “Best Personal Development Book for 2024” by this magazine. The book won the Wellbeing category at the NYC Big Book Awards and the National Indie Excellence Awards, where it was also a finalist in Personal Growth. It was recognized as the Nonfiction Creativity Winner and Self-Help General Finalist by the 2024 Best Book Awards. It received the Nautilus Silver Award for Creativity & Innovation, honoring works that foster conscious living and spiritual growth. Additionally, it was a Runner-Up in the How-To category at the Paris Book Festival and earned an Honorable Mention from the Hollywood Book Festival, which typically recognizes books with screen adaptation potential.
You can find more intentional practices in my book or by downloading my Take a Shot at Happiness app.

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