The Mystical Mermaid of Meadow Mountain – Mermaids are part of folklore worldwide. Since ancient times, tales of these mythological female human-fish hybrid beings have captivated sailors. Mermaids also symbolize inspiration, the energy of nature, and the feminine mystique.
Mountains are anything but mythological yet they hold tremendous spiritual significance. Ascending a mountain is a universal metaphor for divine inspiration. A mountain top symbolizes the gateway to the spiritual world.
The landlocked Rocky Mountains, far from the oceans, is not where you would expect to encounter a mythical mermaid. However, I’ve learned never to underestimate the power of Spiritually Synchronicity, which occurs when spirits guide you to be in the “right place at the right time.”
It was a Monday and I just finished a spirit communication tour which concluded in Boulder, Colorado. My manager Rocky and I found ourselves with a free day. Since we both like mountains and her name is Rocky, we couldn’t resist visiting Rocky Mountain National Park. Throwing caution to the winds we ventured in our rented SUV toward the Rockies with no set agenda—or so we thought.
Rocky is an adventurous renaissance woman with eclectic interests. One night she’s dressed to the nines at the opera and the next day snorkeling along a coral reef. Rocky has always loved the ocean had since childhood fascinated by mermaids. During our journey, she read me a poem she wrote entitled “The Mermaid of My Youth.” Gracefully it described how even though life is filled with pain and loss, you can rebuild your life in the wake of devastation by realizing the Mermaid of your youth lives within you.
It was misty and overcast with a light drizzle. We headed toward Estes Park but then came upon a fork in the road. A sign pointed to two destinations in different directions, one for Estes Park, the other for Allen Park. We’d never heard of Allen Park, but somehow felt drawn to go there.
Along the way, we spotted a beautiful hiking trail and parked. Mountain weather can change rapidly and as we started our hike lightning suddenly streaked across the sky. Thunder reverberated through us as we were pelted by heavy rain and hail. We jumped back in the SUV. Apparently hiking was out, but being a guy I naturally figured when all else fails—eat. So, we searched the GPS for the nearest restaurant.
Navigating the narrow, muddy road through torrential rain and hail as we ascended Meadow Mountain was challenging, to say the least. Then we entered a dark evergreen forest. There was something very “Brothers Grimm” about the experience—except Hansel, Gretal and Little Red Riding Hood never had an SUV driven by the Psychic Lawyer with the courageous Rocky as co-pilot.

The GPS guided us to a clearing which revealed the Meadow Mountain Café, an enchanting wooden storybook cabin. As we drove up a man at the café’s door was about to turn the sign to closed, but instead motioned to us and said, “C’mon in!”
We may have been in the mountains, but the old sailor’s expression “any port in a storm” resonated with us—and this charming cabin was our port. Surrounded by the tall woods Meadow Mountain Café with its brightly painted lavender trim had a magical feel. A stepping stone path lined by wild flowers led to the entrance.
Inside there were only eight tables that could seat maybe 18-20 people. We were sopping wet and the only customers there. The wrought iron pot belly stove in the corner warmed us while Irish folk music playing in the background added cheer to the atmosphere. Shelves filled with decorative salt and pepper shakers lined the wooden walls. Rocky and I noticed wooden and cloth mermaids all about the knotty pine walls. I suspected Spiritual Synchronicity was somehow at work.
The gentleman introduced himself as the owner. His daughter was our server and his son the chef. We sat down and enjoyed a delicious lunch as the rain outside receded to a drizzle.
Rocky walked to a bulletin board with photos and a full-page news article. She read aloud article’s headline, “Rocky put personal stamp on Meadow Mountain Café.”
“Souls that are grounded in the forest are happy ones,” the owner said. “That article is about my wife Roxanne—everyone knew her as Rocky—this was her café. She passed not too long ago. She loved cooking and as you can see mermaids—I’m sorry, I don’t mean to go on about that—what are your names?”
“This is Mark Anthony and my name is also Roxanne—and everyone knows me as Rocky—and I too love mermaids.”
“Seriously?” The owner was stunned. His daughter emerged from the kitchen followed by her brother the chef.
Now I knew this was Spiritual Synchronicity as I felt tingles resonating throughout my body indicating the presence of a spirit.
“By any chance—did your wife Roxanne like butterscotch?” I asked.
“Butterscotch was her favorite candy and sundae topping!” he replied.
“Mark is a medium,” my Rocky replied, “and I have a feeling we’re supposed to be here—is it okay if he makes a connection for you?”
“YES!” all three replied in unison.
Through me the spirit of Rocky of Meadow Mountain transmitted uplifting messages of love to her family—but then she focused on her son.
“Your mom’s spirit is saying there’s a serious problem with a molar on the lower right side of your mouth—she insists you go to a proper dentist,” I conveyed.
“That’s what we’ve been telling him!” his sister exclaimed.
The son pulled his cheek back exposing his lower right teeth. “This here molar hurts—I’m gonna pull it out myself with pliers—I’m a mountain man—I don’t need some expensive dentist.”
“Let me ask you this,” I replied, “What are the odds of me and my Rocky, who loves mermaids, being guided up a mountain forest during a hail storm to a café founded by your mom named Rocky, who loves mermaids just in the nick of time before you closed?”
“At least a million to one,” he replied. His father and sister glowed.
“Clearly this is no coincidence,” I explained. “Your mom’s message about seeing a dentist is Spirit Intervention. Listen to your mom—spirits can see future events and your mom’s spirit is intervening because pulling out your molar with a pair of pliers will not go well.”
“Ignoring Mom’s advice never went well either,” he replied.
Even if she’s in heaven, no mom is going to let her son pull his tooth out with a pair of pliers especially when that mom was Rocky, the Mystical Mermaid of Meadow Mountain.

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- More articles from our VIP Executive Contributor, Mark Anthony.