Raising Vibratory Rates – There seems to be quite a lot of literature these days about “raising vibratory rates” and the advantages and benefits that it has for our lives. This is a misconception, or at best, just a label that metaphysics has placed on what otherwise is known as the quality of life. The common misconception is that if you raise your vibratory rate, then you will feel better and experience more synchronicity or at least have an easier life. The problem is that there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that our “vibration” goes up when we do whatever the proponent of that concept suggests doing to raise our vibration. In fact, I suspect that this is just a new way of describing the effects of living a moral and righteous life.
In one article I read, the author claimed that by raising your vibratory rate, you would experience feeling grounded and centered, more psychic awareness, more health, communicating clearly and honestly, increased energy, spontaneous healing, better circumstances, better friends, feeling grateful, appreciation, creativity, compassion, patience, understanding, joy, faith, awareness, mindfulness, forgiveness, and other benefits. I sometimes get confused about whether they are talking about hertz (the measurement of vibratory rates) or vitamins. He goes on to give suggestions on how to raise your vibration, which is nothing more than paying attention to your thoughts, your meditation, and what you put in your body. In other words, it means being healthy mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
A lot of personal growth and spiritual gurus are suggesting that “raising your vibration” is the goal. In fact, it is the first step. The tools and practices involved in living a healthier and more balanced life will support you when life starts to throw challenges at you. Remember, the brightest lights draw the biggest bugs. I have discovered that “raising your vibratory rates” only makes you more aware of your challenges and hopefully better able to manage them. It will not eliminate them. When you live a more authentic life, those with lower vibratory rates will be attracted to you and even try to steal some of your energy. I propose that you look at this as a blessing (not a curse) and recognize it as proof that you are on the right path.
The more I learn through experience, the more I am beginning to realize that we are being sold repackaged goods. One of the first workshops on raising vibratory rates was held approximately 2000 years ago in Palestine. It is known as The Sermon on The Mount, which taught us how to be blessed, how to be happy, and the Lord’s Prayer. It is contained in the New Testament in Matthew 5-7. I am not professing that Christianity is any better than any other religion; I suspect that every religion has teachings like “raising your vibratory rate.” However, the content of the Sermon on the Mount is eerily similar to what New Agers claim raises vibratory rates.
These ideals may sound familiar to current spiritualists: you are a light into the world, you have to control your emotions, you have to control your thoughts, you have to tell the truth (especially to yourself), love your enemies, help the poor, God is inside of you, take care of your body/temple, meditate and pray, have faith and trust, do not judge, treat others as you wish to be treated (karma), and seek God. Whether you call these ideals “raising your vibratory rate” or being holy, it does not matter. These ideals are called morals; unfortunately, they have been righteously ignored for thousands of years.
If the code word “raise vibratory rates” works for you and you decide to integrate the moral principles of divine life into your life, that is GRAYT®*. Our world will be better for it. However, it rankles a bit for people to be selling this stuff as “new” when we have been ignoring it for thousands of years. It also is a bit of a bamboozle to declare that a higher vibratory rate is better than a lower vibratory rate. It misses the mark (a/k/a sin). We are only fooling ourselves and distracting ourselves from the real work, the inner discipline that takes us to self-realization. Don’t worry about your vibratory rate; simply focus on what we think, how we feel, and how we treat our fellow human beings. That is the true gift of divinity. Life is GRAYT.®
*GRAYT® is my term for enlightenment.
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