Three Strategies for Re-Discovering Positivity This Spring – Winter is a challenging time of year for many, as the season brings cold weather and short days to most of the United States. The good news? March is here, and that means that warmth and light are on the horizon.
For many people, especially those who are intensely affected by the seasons, the promise of spring brings with it hope for better days. However, there’s no point in waiting around for the sunshine and good weather to lighten up your life. If you’ve been struggling to tap into sources of positive energy this winter, follow these strategies for breaking free from negativity as you move into spring.
1. Practice self-compassion
Practicing self-compassion can be incredibly difficult, but it is also one of the best ways to break free from the negative self-talk spirals so many of us get trapped in. It’s important that we have standards and goals for ourselves and our behavior, but we have to remember that we’re human beings, and there are bound to be times when we fall short of our ideals.
Try redirecting your inner monologue to talk to yourself like you would a friend. Negative self-talk can create a doom-and-gloom mindset that permeates every aspect of our lives. After enough time, we begin to believe the narratives we tell ourselves—that we’re lazy, incompetent, or whatever else—and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in which we actuate the negative characteristics we self-attribute. This, in turn, leads to further feelings of negativity.
There’s a way to break free. Next time, instead of beating yourself up, forgive yourself and move on. It’s easier said than done, of course, but ask yourself what advice you would give a loved one if they were in your shoes. It’s not about letting yourself off the hook for bad behavior, but understanding that there’s time to be better, and the only thing you can do is move forward.
2. Be present
The next strategy for rediscovering positive energy this spring is to be present. So many of our stressors come from casting our eyes elsewhere instead of appreciating where we are now. Regret comes from lingering on the past, and stress and worry come from looking to the future. Remember, though, that the past is gone, and the future is never guaranteed. All we ever have is the present moment. To accept that and to have your feet firmly rooted in the here and now is liberating.
To actually be present, though, is challenging, and it takes deliberate intent. These days, especially with the rise of “smart” technology (phones, watches, etc.), something is always pulling your attention away from where you are. When you’re with people, put your phone away and focus on making conversation. When you’re alone, think about your surroundings. What do you notice? Try to breathe. Force your mind back to where you are.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the many roles and responsibilities we take on in our lives. It’s important to make sure you’re controlling what you can control and letting go of what you can’t. But presence lends peace, not thinking about the past or future. If we are safe, our needs are met, and we can relax, we are blessed.
3. Express gratitude
Finally, the last—and most powerful—strategy for bringing positivity into your life is to express gratitude. In fact, Dr. Elia Gourgouris, “The Happiness Doctor,” often says it’s impossible to be in a physiological state of depression when in a gratitude mindset.
The key is not to invalidate our negative feelings, which we have for a reason, but to shift our focus to the things we have to be thankful for. Perspective is incredibly powerful. While we all have things that frustrate us about our lives (and ourselves), we also have so much to be grateful for.
The next time you feel trapped in a cloud of negative energy, try gratitude journaling. By hand, write out all the people and things in your life that you’re grateful for. It might be hard at first, but you’ll find that you feel more at peace when you’re done. When your eyes are cast downward, it’s hard to see all the light in your life. But focusing on what’s good instead of what’s bad by naming the things you’re grateful for will ultimately put you into a more positive mindset than before.
If you’re one of the people struggling to find positivity this March, try these strategies and see how you feel. Most importantly, remember that this moment will pass. The landscape of life is dotted with peaks and valleys alike. You’ll return to the mountaintop soon.
Don’t compound the way you feel by judging yourself for the feelings you have. To be human is to struggle at times. Just get through today. Tomorrow is a new day. Even if you can’t hear it now, there is beautiful music all around you. Persevere, and you will hear it soon.
“Hi, I’m Andrew Mercein, and I want to personally invite you to be a part of our community. ‘The Way Home’ is a place for reflection, connection, and growth. Together, we’ll navigate life’s challenges and celebrate its beauty. Let’s walk this path together.”

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