Executive VIP Contributor Best Holistic Life Magazine
Best Holistic Life Magazine brings you exclusive content from our Executive VIP Contributors who are experts in their respective fields. These contributors are carefully selected and invited to share their knowledge and insights on topics related to holistic lifestyle, mindset, business, leadership, and fitness. Our magazine features influential leaders, top entrepreneurs, expert coaches, doctors, and industry leaders who provide valuable information and guidance on your wellness journey. Explore our website and read articles that will inspire and help you on your journey toward better holistic living.

Best Holistic Life Magazine Executive Contributor
Rachel Corpus
Rachel Corpus is an Angel, an actual Angel in a human body, who came into physical form to learn and teach how to live a fulfilled life in deep connection with Source. She was born with the ability to experience things that others could not easily see or feel, like watching an angel sing above her crib or playing with ghost children from the nearby cemetery.
Early in her life, Rachel experienced her first of many near-death experiences. She remembers going to the other side and being shown what her life could be like if she decided to return as a healer and a teacher of many. After coming back, she experienced her gifts getting stronger and stronger. Daily meditations, study, and absolute faith in God helped Rachel grow into the spiritual person she is today. As a professional channel, Rachel plays fluidly in the quantum realm and the multiverse of parallel realities. She works in collaboration with angels, ascended masters, people on the other side and high-vibrational extraterrestrials.
The best part of Rachel‘s life today is helping others remember their Divinity, uncover their natural gifts, and evolve into their best selves. She is committed to being a liaison for Spirit, ready to adapt to any need, being, or situation that Spirit presents.