Let’s face it good health can be hard to come by now and days. There are so many hidden factors that are lurking in the dark corners of our pantry waiting to jump out at us and throw our progress off track. Even when we think we are doing ALL the right things we end up finding out, after the fact, that what we thought was good for us was really filled with lies! Are we really going to just sit back and let those hidden fends side track our good health? Of course not! That is why here at the Best Holistic Life blog and Ask Dr. Dee we do everything within our power to provide you with more than just the knowledge you need to succeed. We make sure you also have all the tools and added help you will need too!

Hope for the Best and Prepare for the Worst!
Life is full of obstacles, how we choose to deal with those obstacles directly determines how likely we are to succeed. For example, no matter how clean we choose to live our lives we are ALL exposed to toxins. Most of the common exposure is from the environment itself. While we may not be able to control the people around us we can definitely control how the rate in which our bodies process them. It is true that our bodies come equipped with the natural ability to remove toxins. However, there is a limit to how much our bodies can process without needing a helping hand. For most, if not all, of us we are constantly at this limit. How do we lend a helping hand?
Lend a Helping Hand
We can all use a little help from time to time and our bodies are no exception to this rule. As I mentioned in my previous post (My Ode to the Liver) our livers do all the heavy lifting in our bodies fight against toxins. As is the case in any battle there is definitely strength in numbers. That is why it is so vital for us to do anything we can to help out from time to time. One of the best ways to help our livers is through nutrition. Conveniently, the fall releases one of nature’s heavy hitters, the Pumpkin! Pumpkins are nutrient dense fruits (that’s right for those of you who didn’t know they are fruits).

Powerful Pumpkins!
Pumpkins have tons of nutritional benefits. They contain tryptophan which helps promote quality sleep. Pumpkins are high in zinc and magnesium making them ideal for immunity and mood elevation. They contain phytoestrogens which help lower LDL cholesterol levels (the bad guy). Pumpkins are high in beta-carotene which protects from free radicals and reduces the risk of cancer. The high fiber content makes them ideal for reducing weight and hunger. They have the only seeds that are alkaline-forming. Pumpkins also have anti-inflammatory abilities, omega-3’s, and prevent kidney stone formation.

Delicious & Nutritious!
Clearly, there are some benefits to consuming pumpkins. One of the best things about eating pumpkins, is the fact that almost the entire thing is edible (apart from the stem). While I have posted a few articles on the many ways to use pumpkin flesh this article will give you one of my favorite ways to eat the seeds. The seeds are arguably one of the best parts of the pumpkin. They make a welcome addition to any salad, pasta, or granola. By adding more than just the nutritional boost they add one killer textural component. Personally, I like to eat them roasted with a little sea salt (or other flavors depending on my mood). That was until, I came across a pumpkin seed candy recipe!

Sweet Treats are Made with Ease!
I Know what you are thinking. My nieces and nephews say the same thing that candy shouldn’t be healthy. But where is it written that you can’t indulge in guilt free sweets? That is why I made a deal with my nieces and nephews, if it tastes good, they will eat it. Let me tell you these salty sweet treats disappear quick (I have to hide some for myself) you may want to make extra. One of my favorite things about these treats is the fact that I know my nieces and nephews are not getting all the nutrients they need. But with these little power packed treats I know they are getting tons of nutrients and I don’t have to force them to eat them (if anything I have to limit them).
Ready for a Game Changer?
By now, I am sure you want to know just what’s in these little wonders. The recipe could not be any easier all you need is: dates, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, maple syrup, dark chocolate, and a little sea salt. It takes less than 20 minutes to put these candies together and a few hours to set up (the chocolate takes at least 1-2 hours to set). And just like that, you are ready to become the favorite aunt (as if there were any doubt). One of the added benefits to these tasty treats is the fact that they also help keep you regular. So, if you are in need of a little assistance as your doctor I am prescribing these candies.
Want to Know More?
Do you have a favorite treat you would like me to tweak so that you can enjoy it guilt free? We here at the Best Holistic Life and Ask Dr. Dee want to help you live your best life. That is why we NEED your feedback! The road of life is full of potholes and obstacles. Why not let us help you navigate to ensure you reach your desired location? As always if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly at DrDeeandMe@gmail.com or by posting in the comment section below. You deserve to live a happy and healthy life, let us help you do just that!
Dr. Dee, you are a ROCKSTAR of recipes, you need to put all this goodness into a book for all of us!
It’s in the works, I promise. With everything that’s been going on in the world I am doing everything I can to help as many people as I can get through this crisis. Be sure to subscribe to the Best holistic life to get an alert when everything is ready. I am working on a bunch of goodies to help you get through this. Until then, if there’s anything I can do to help you before then please feel free to contact me directly. Stay safe and healthy.