You’ve heard it before, and I’m saying it again. Everyone is intuitive, to different degrees it’s true. But what everyone may not be is fully aware of is the power of this particular intelligence. Yes…I said ‘intelligence’.
Gut instinct, sixth sense, just a feeling, deja vu…terms most people who feel uncomfortable use to describe their intuitive experiences. But those fully engaged in using this extraordinary intelligence ‘know’ there is much more to the experience than random hunches, coincidental happenings or butterflies in the belly.
The dictionary describes intuition this way: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning or a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.
Truth is, intuition is as natural as the hair on your head but, because historically humans have shunned anything they cannot see, hear, feel, taste or touch, little credibility has been given to intuitive prowess.
Albert Einstein, long revered for his intellectual and academic prowess said this, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
When gifts are attributed, the academically (mental), athletically (physical) and mathematically (spatially) inclined often get their due notice, but those who excel at the intelligence of intuition (spiritual) are often overlooked for their mastery.
Long known for ‘knowing’ beyond reason, hearing what others cannot, seeing what the eye misses, connecting with the spirit that has passed the physical plane, and receiving information that predicts the future…intuitives are simply non-resistive conduits to information not found elsewhere.

As a society at large, we have shoved intuition into the ‘can’t be explained’ category. But there are many things outside the scope of science that amaze, awe and stun us…for many, they are likened to miracles but for the intuitive it’s just another day at the market.
Because intuitive ability has been largely overlooked as a powerful innate intelligence, we decide psychics, mediums, intuitives and healers are rare, but are they?
For centuries, societies have either venerated or vilified its mystics. Think the Witches of Salem or medicine men and women of indigenous tribes. It was either fear or glory…no middle ground.
Today we notice that more and more souls have grown weary of limited thinking, restrictive doctrine and conditioned knowledge and are tapping inward for answers, healing and connection. The search for higher consciousness, ethereal connection, and spiritual contentment is stronger than ever. Individuals, workforces, and families are seeking the counsel and healing of practitioners whose foundational skill is intuition.
Intuitive intelligence takes many forms, but each is grounded in ethereal connection to a divine source. Tapping into your intuition is no different a process than tapping into your friends for advice, your church for Spiritual guidelines or the classroom for higher learning. The only difference between the two is that one depends upon information outside the self and the other awakens innate wisdom and truth within the self.
As a culture fighting debilitating stress, anxiety and mind chaos many are seeking ways to calm their personal waters and find true emotional alignment. Reaching for stillness, learning to be more mindful, and traveling inward for answers instead of others’ judgement or opinion is the beginning of the process. Intuitive expression is the way of alignment.
So why do we resist it so much when this intelligence has the power to connect us with our innermost truths, universal law and sweet alignment that puts us on the path to everything we’ve ever wanted?
Three reasons I believe:
- Loss of Control
- Feeling too different
- Being judged
But the reasons for developing this extraordinary expanded sense are far more compelling:
- Unbreakable trust in ever-present built-in wisdom
- Authentic self-expression in every area of life
- Self-Acceptance of the highest form
- And finally, the elimination of judgment, self or otherwise.
Those who have accepted their intuitive abilities and use them effortlessly experience:
- Greater inner peace
- Confidence born out of self-understanding
- Ascension beyond doctrine, dogma or conditioning
- Joy at its deepest level
- Sharing and receiving love as it was meant to be
- Trust in their own choices
Those who integrate intuitive intelligence into their work life:
- Have an edge over those who do not…they process quickly and communicate directly
- Can distinguish negativity for what it is: another’s fear
- Offer stronger leadership abilities excelling in self-trust
- Are non-judgmental eliminating separation between themselves and others
- Experience significantly less stress because perspective is solid
Do you think you are intuitive? Comment below and share your experiences or feel free to ask me questions.

I think everyone can “tap into” their intuition. Some are definitely more connected than others, for various reasons. They trust their gut, their feelings, their little voice in their head, even when everything else we see, hear, smell, or think logically says do otherwise. I guess you could say, I believe in “The Force”.