Raising Vibratory Rates – There seems to be quite a lot of literature these days about “raising vibratory rates” and the advantages and benefits that it…
Learn the Lesson
Learn the Lesson – One of life’s most perplexing questions is “Why did that happen?” There we are, minding our own business, and “wham!!!” something happens…
Look for the Lesson
Look for the Lesson – One of life’s most perplexing questions is, “Why did that happen?” There we are, minding our own business, and “wham!!!” something…
The Power of Joy
The Power of Joy – Joy is our constant companion. We just have to ignore the distractions. In the realm of neuroscience, joy is understood not as a fleeting…
Beware the Trap of People Pleasing
Beware the Trap of People Pleasing – We all do it. We try to be friendly or manipulate people to like us, and we engage in behavior calculated to make people…