Being in the moment can save your life. Katja Hansen is an environmental engineer, water quality expert, brilliant plant-based chef, book editor…
Your Bedding: The 401K for your health
Your Bedding – The 401K for your health – Most of us know who we’re sleeping with, but do we know WHAT we’re sleeping with? Your head is on your pillow for…
Ocean Swimming as a Substitute for Running
Ocean Swimming as a Substitute for Running: I lived in the tropics for many years and never really got used to being cold after that, so four years ago…
How you and your pet can live longer together
How you and your pet can live longer together – Ruby was my ocean swimming mate while I was writing Discovering the Nature of Longevity, and you can see her…
Could A.I. be your best holistic life coach?
Could A.I. be your best holistic life coach? – It’s no secret that artificial intelligence is ushering in a new era of holistic care and prevention, where…