The Well F***ed Woman – Have you heard of her? She, like an elusive entity, is being paraded in many communities focused on spiritual…
Turning down the dial on the chaos of the outer world
Turning down the dial on the chaos of the outer world I was steaming…Pelvic steaming is a self-care practice of mine that has been around…
Calling all mothers… I bow in service to you
Calling all mothers… I bow in service to you – It was Friday at 4 PM….I don’t usually take calls on Friday as it’s a dedicated admin day…
Parting With Pieces Of Me.
You don’t have the necessary hormones needed to build a healthy and thick uterine lining, one that would sustain a viable pregnancy.
The Magician and The Monster: How mold may be making a meal out of you
He was conventionally trained in family practice and when his wife fell severely ill with Lyme his life changed and so did his trajectory. I never wish hardship on anyone AND am grateful to those who take their hardship and transmute it to magic, like he did.