Building New Beginnings: Shaping Your Future with Emotional Architecture – Reality sets in waking up on January first. I am surrounded by boxes and bare walls. As I slow my attention from the room around me to the items in my hands, I find myself courting the love of change a little less, reminiscing in gratitude for what was. In the face of change, I turn my focus to moving forward, allowing what will be to grow out of the remains.
Many people feel lost and overwhelmed during major life changes, unsure of how to navigate a world that no longer feels familiar. If you’ve ever wondered how to rebuild your sense of self when everything shifts, you’re not alone. It’s a New Year, marking a new beginning and yes, it’s time to take action, make big changes and hopefully leave the world a slightly better place.
Why Change Feels Overwhelming and How Emotional Architecture Can Help.
Losing a lover, job, or going through a divorce can take a piece of our identity with it. It’s easy to confuse routine with a sense of who we are. What do you do when who you knew yourself to be begins to fade? How do you find your way when big changes need to be made?
The idea of starting over is a misdirection—it’s not over, under, or backwards at all. It’s starting from experience. It’s the steady build of always moving deeper into the present moment, where everything begins, ends, and is created. The future doesn’t exist but is a tapestry of what we desire mixed with continued action. It can be hard to shed what you know and are familiar with—harder still when who you know yourself to be begins to change under pressure.
The Myth of Starting Over: Building from Experience and Emotional Grit.
My name is AzLynn Berry. I am a Transformational Coach specializing in emotional integration and retraining the instincts of the body to overcome any obstacle. I do this through alignment and embodiment practices, drawing on years of experience as a Neuromuscular Therapist in clinical practice, focused on long-term chronic pain.
However, I discovered that our Emotional Architecture is the key to lasting change. What sets my coaching apart is the integration of emotional and physical habits, creating a repaired connection between mind, body and where they fight for control. This creates a new emotional foundation and many of my clients find a deeper sense of self and a confidence they didn’t have before.
How to Reconnect with Your True Self Using Emotional Integration Practices.
Imagine knowing exactly what you were made for. Picture it being so transparent that you couldn’t miss your target in life, even if you tried. What if Woody in Toy Story had never looked at the bottom of his foot to discover he belonged to Andy? If the excitement of change drives anxiety or fear, I recommend looking closely at what you believe you need for a meaningful life. You may find a collection of other people’s ideas, blurring your vision when reading the signs to direct you to the internal connection you need to turn your life into brilliance.
Journal Prompts to Break Free from Fear and Embrace Big Changes.
Here are a few questions you can use to reorient back to yourself when big decisions are needed. Take a moment to think of your current situation and use these journal prompts before reading the rest of the article.
Prompt 1: Why does making this change scare me? What about myself would I be losing if I made this change?
This is where I see beliefs and expectations from others dive-bomb our sense of self. Underneath is often a perfectionist ideal that doesn’t allow you to go through the process of failure. The sometimes messy process of learning something new can feel like failure, but in reality, it’s just a sign to give a little grace to yourself and enjoy the ride.
Prompt 2: When and where did this idea begin? Is it mine or an agreement I made based on someone else’s beliefs, and who benefits from these ideas?
When we prioritize others or an “ideal image” over our needs and ourselves, it’s easy to find a family member—such as a parent, sibling, or prominent caretaker—whose expectations were reinforced through our behavior. I encourage my clients to see this person as flawed and human rather than pushing for forgiveness. Creating space between how you see yourself and these expectations becomes infinitely easier when we look to make positive changes.
Prompt 3: What am I really scared of, and what would my life look like if I had the courage to make this change, even if I failed?
Transforming Your Life: Finding Courage and Clarity Through Emotional Architecture.
This is the process of individuation—it’s both beautiful and messy. This is the holy grail of shadow work and Carl Jung’s psychology, the process of becoming distinct in the wholeness of who you are.
Getting clear on these questions will help you make way for new opportunities without a sense of loss or being sidelined by past mistakes. Your sense of identity does not have to be lost but can be continually found as you develop into a refined version of who you truly are. It’s the best game of Lost and Found you can play.
Invitation to Elevate.
If you want to dive deeper into this topic, I invite you to watch my free coaching video as part of this month’s Open Elevation Session. In the video, I’ll walk you through Emotional Architecture techniques to help you navigate change.
After watching, you can also book a free consultation to explore your unique challenges and create a personalized plan for your transformation. Click the link below or scan the QR code to get started now….…and of course, Happy New Year!
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- Read more articles from our VIP Executive Contributor, AzLynn Berry.