What Does It Mean to Be Truly Happy? – A few weeks ago, during a phone call with my mother, she asked me a question that caught me completely off guard: “Are…
Al Wynant
Leading with Love: Transform Workplaces with Compassion
Leading with Love: Transform Workplaces with Compassion – Leading with love may seem idealistic, but research shows that compassionate leadership is…
Start Your Day with Intention and Energy
Starting your day with intention and energy sets you up for success. – I’m not naturally a morning person. When my lights came on at 6:00 a.m. to gently…
Exclusive Interview with The Genius Behind INGOMU’s Ground-Breaking Coaching APP, Al Wynant
Exclusive Interview with The Genius Behind INGOMU’s Ground-breaking Coaching APP, Al Wynant
Best: Holistic Life Magazine: Tell us a little about you….
Giving Thanks Transcends Borders
Giving Thanks Transcends Borders – Growing up in a small town in Belgium, I enjoyed a childhood rich with traditions. My family celebrated holidays from New…