Navigating a life that feels contented, satisfied and purposeful takes a set of life skills many work their whole lives to master. But you are lucky, as a sensitive soul you can take your ‘built-in’ expertise and use it toward an easy navigation. Expanded thinking, spiritual understanding, an open heart and a willingness to question the status quo will bring you closer to living a serene, aligned, magical existence.
Lisa Crofton
The One Belief Worth Its Weight in Gold
Your belief systems are the spark plugs that run your emotional and physical vehicle. There are intuitive experts that look under your hood and help you make the necessary mechanical adjustments toward a peaceful, contented life.
Are You Using Your Most Impressive Intelligence?
The dictionary describes intuition this way: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning or a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.
Truth is, intuition is as natural as the hair on your head but, because historically humans have shunned anything they cannot see, hear, feel, taste or touch, little credibility has been given to intuitive prowess.
Turn the Volume Down on Fear
Time to tell FEAR to take a back seat! You can notice its voice but do your best to ignore it…with persistence. It’s amazing what you can do when you feel but ignore your fear. Just pay attention to what fear is telling you and get real, get logical, get forceful and tell it ‘it’s wrong’!
Stress Doesn’t Belong in a Happy Life
Swimming in the deep end of Stress isn’t what you planned, but no worries…it’s never too late to find the shallow end. Let me help you discover how to master the water.