Crushing Limits and Doing the Impossible: Unleashing Your Inner Achiever – Picture this: It’s 6 a.m. The alarm clock shrieks like a banshee, and you groan, burying yourself deeper into your cozy fortress of blankets. But then, a tiny voice in your head whispers, “Remember that time you aced that impossible project?”
Suddenly, you’re wide awake, ready to tackle the day. Why? Because you, my friend, are about to discover the exhilarating power of shattering your perceived limits!
We all have those moments when we feel like we’ve hit a brick wall. (I have, in fact, hit a brick wall in real life in a car accident and I gotta tell you it’s no fun. Learning to put my brain back together has been my life’s rewarding journey, but let’s get back to you).
When you’re convinced that running a marathon, writing a novel, or doing anything that “seems” impossible is beyond your grasp, that might be your brick wall. But what if I told you that those limits are as real as a unicorn riding a skateboard? Yep, they’re as fictional as your high school crush’s promises to call.
Setting goals isn’t just good for your brain; it’s like giving it a turbo boost with extra sprinkles on top. Your brain loves goals more than a dog loves belly rubs. When you set a goal, your brain goes into superhero mode, releasing dopamine and other feel-good chemicals, making you feel like you can conquer Mount Everest in flip-flops. (But please do not do it, even if you think you can).
Get Into Action:
Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into the magical world of doing hard things and obliterating those pesky limits!
Exercise 1: Flip the Script
Grab a pen and paper (or open your favorite note-taking app) and jot down three things you’ve always believed were impossible for you. Now, take each one and flip it on its head. Instead of “I can’t run a marathon,” write, “I’m training to run a marathon and kicking asphalt along the way.” Feel that? That’s the sound of your limits evaporating like morning dew in the sun.
Every time I’ve trained and tested for a black belt in martial arts (I currently have SIX!)I’ve had to cross the negative beliefs holding me back off my list, and the reward is definitely worth the work (and the bruises!).
Exercise 2: Goal Galore
Time to channel your inner goal-setting guru. Brains LOVE targets, it gives them something to focus all that vast information technology on and direct us down a path. It makes things easier on our brain, letting it compartmentalize what we are doing in our days into what we want. Think of one big, audacious goal you’ve been itching to achieve. Got it? Now, break it down into bite-sized, chewable chunks. Want to write a book? Start by outlining one chapter. Want to run a marathon? Begin by jogging around the block. Remember, every journey begins with a single step, preferably in comfy shoes.
Exercise 3: Stretch, Don’t Snap
Imagine your comfort zone is a rubber band. I love comfort and feeling safe, which is the purpose of this zone. But … if I stay within its cozy confines, I’ll never know what lies beyond. The growth zone is just slightly outside of comfort, not the “jumping out of a perfectly good airplane” zone. If you stretch it gently, just a little bit every day, you’ll soon find yourself doing the splits like a seasoned gymnast. So, embrace discomfort like a long-lost friend. Try new things, take risks, and watch your old limits vanish into thin air.
In April, I started working out with former Olympian Marion Jones (the “fastest woman alive”), and I thought to myself, “This is going to be hard and worth it. I’ll do my best.” Our first workout had a timed assessment—how many push-ups, squats, jacks, high knees, etc., you could do in 30 seconds. Well, that was all well and good. Until…
For each workout, she had me do my timed assessment number up to 4 times in a session! But… I DID IT. And the feeling of being proud of myself? #Endorphins
Here’s the sciencey bit:
Our brains are like sponges, thirsty for challenge and growth. When we push ourselves beyond our perceived limits, we activate neural pathways we never knew existed. It’s like discovering secret passages in a labyrinth—each new pathway leads to untold possibilities.
Setting goals turbocharges this process. When we set a clear goal, our brains spring into action, mobilizing our resources like a well-oiled machine. Neurotransmitters like dopamine flood our brains, creating a euphoric sensation that propels us forward. It’s like having a personal cheerleader in your head, chanting, “You can do it!”
And guess what?
You can always do more than you think you can. Our minds are master illusionists, conjuring up false barriers to keep us snug in our comfort zones. Trust me, you’re capable of so much more than you think. It’s time to unleash your inner superhero and show the world what you’re made of!
We are the weavers of our own destiny. So, why settle for mediocrity when you can paint the sky with your wildest dreams? If you need any support in reaching your dreams – I’m here to help!
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- More articles are available from our VIP Executive Contributor, Theresa Byrne.