We are amazing human beings. We have the power to create the kind of life we want and we have the power to determine how we feel at any moment of every day. That is an amazing amount of power and it is all within us. Yet, how many of us choose to ACT on this and harness this power for their happiness and wellbeing?
Ask the question:
“What is important to me and am I incorporating that into my day so I accomplish in life what I WANT for myself”? It’s a great question to ask. And if the answer is no, instead of getting down on yourself, realize you have the ability to change that at any given moment. Decide what IS important to you, develop a game plan of small simple steps you can take CONSISTENTLY through the week to take you there and then let the magic of consistency + time bring the gift of your goal right to your doorstep. You will have earned it, one day at a time. And be sure to think big. What do you truly want? If you have a big enough “why“ (desire) you can accomplish almost anything.
I’ve been a big fan of Anthony Robbins since 1988 and it was from one of his programs that I learned about the exercise I’m going to describe to you. This is an exercise that literally can change your life in an instant by waking you up to the sacredness of time. After all, time is what life is composed of. Moments of time, all strung together. Time for humans is not infinite. It has a beginning and an end. Bring the image to your mind of an hourglass.
A good analogy is that when the sand has completely run out, one’s time has ended and life ceases to be. Unfortunately, humans are incredibly “forgetful” of this fact and act as if they have all the time in the world. Then they get towards the later stages of their life and suddenly realize they have not realized their most important desires. THAT can be a terrifying moment. If you take the time to do the following exercise, it can save you from ending up in a very painful position of regret.
This exercise is normally done by listening to an audio where the script is read to you. But you can also do this as a reading/visualization/then writing exercise. That is the exercise I will describe here:
Turn off your phone. Close the door. Sit down in a comfortable chair and have a pen and paper in front of you. Don’t rush through this.
Sit back and relax. First taking 2-3 slow deep cleansing breaths.
When you feel relaxed, close your eyes and imagine yourself in the future when you are 80 yrs old or older. Feel your body at THAT age when it has done its amazing job of getting you to that point in your life. But now, you notice differences. Perhaps you can no longer walk the distances you once did. You’ve got some chronic aches and pains now from the natural aging process. Your mind is also different in that it is no longer as sharp as it once was. Now Imagine you are on the front porch of a small house looking out at the view in front of you. The porch has a rocking chair so you go to it and sit down.
While you’re rocking, enjoying the view, you begin to think back on your life. You think of all you have done, all you have accomplished. You’re thinking about all you have shared with the world of your unique gifts. You think of all the important relationships you have formed. As you do this, notice what the feeling that comes up inside you is. Are they feelings of pride, amazement and great gratitude? Does it make you smile as you are thinking of these things? Perhaps it brings some tears of joy to your eyes as you feel gratitude for having lived a full and fulfilling life.
Or, perhaps the feeling that comes up is one of regret, sadness or disappointment for the things you didn’t do because you were too doubtful of yourself to try, or you thought they were too difficult to achieve. Perhaps you are saddened by relationships you now realize you didn’t do enough to foster. Whatever the feelings are, allow yourself to feel them. They are all normal. And they are sending you a direct message with a golden opportunity.
Open your eyes now, take a deep breath and realize; you are not at the end of your life. You are here . Right here and right now. And you still have the sacred gift of time. First, write down what came up. Next, ask and write how you want to spend your remaining time in your life? What things are most important that you want to do? What small step starting, today, can you do to begin this new appreciation of time and move toward a more fulfilling life?
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. What’s important is that you write, describing exactly how you feel.
Did new goals or aspirations you’ve been dreaming about suddenly pop into the front of your mind? How wonderful! Listen to your intuition and think about a first step to bring it closer. Remember, you have nothing to lose by trying anything. But, as you have hopefully experienced by this exercise, you have a lot to lose by NOT trying.
You are a sacred being of infinite treasure and this one life is YOURS. Perhaps this can be the beginning of a brand-new amazing chapter and one that brings you increased joy and fulfillment at a whole new level. It is yours for the taking.!
Connect with Virginia: https://linktr.ee/virginiaoman
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