Does Your Emotional Home Need An Upgrade? – It takes courage to accept one’s impact on others when your actions have been injurious. We’ve all skipped opportunities to tell the truth on the inside. However, self-awareness and honesty are critical to a life of personal power.
The good news is that every new moment is a chance to be more aligned with your body, your heart, your values and your right action. Being connected on the inside and congruent on the outside is how you stay tuned to your own frequency. Every difficulty is a lesson in becoming who and what you are capable of. Embrace challenges and look to be the right person!
One of my favorite things to do is lie on my belly and gaze into a natural spring. I enjoy watching water emerge from the sandy bottom. This water rises without ceasing as a constant, copious, and free gift of life. In a highly connected state, one’s soul is bubbling with knowing, inspiration, and optimism like a flowing spring of water. In his Vision Quest song, John Dupuy sings, “…like water from a spring I’ve always known.” That’s what it feels like when the deep me bubbles up to the surface – like finding a part of me I’ve always known.
Soul Statement Affirmations (feel the truth of these declarations in your cells)
- I can let the knowing of my spirit bubble up from inside me.
- There is a wellspring of creativity inside me.
- I have a place and a destiny in this world.
Noticing that you are “off” is a signal to slow down and connect inwardly. It is oftentimes wise to listen to the feedback of a companion, as they may sense you heading off track before you even realize this is happening. Drifting off track is a cue to increase self-care. Self-care is soul-care. It is what allows a person to be more present in life and able to offer something to others. I sometimes reset my priorities with the following words, “My self-care allows me to be more present.“
Thought / Journaling Exercise
- Am I using my current thought to grow?
- Does this thought empower or disempower me?
- If I changed my thinking about this, what would be possible?
When we offer ourselves compassion, we heal on the inside. The place inside that feels like home (where everything is okay) is a wonderful place to keep returning to. Why not drop in and find your emotional home for just a moment? The next right action is obvious when you’re connected to your value and to what you value.
Your emotional home is the feeling state in which you spend the most time. This is your default emotional status, all things being equal. Some emotional home examples are: Pessimism, Optimism, Cheerful Interest, Exuberance, Anxious, Concerned, Contentment, Ease and Wonder.
You can upgrade your emotional home by practicing self-acceptance and making time to find a place of contentment within. Contentment doesn’t imply perfection; it’s just that you are okay right now. Let the thought of “I am enough in this moment.” create a feeling pathway to where you want to be. Aim for a sure, neutral knowing without positive or negative judgment. Why not accept a bit of peace for a while?
Emotional Home Meditation
Find a comfortable position for your body. Close your eyes and adjust your posture. Roll your shoulders, stretch, breath, sigh or yawn as needed to create more physical ease. Imagine an energetic grounding cord as a pillar of golden light that goes from your hips to a place deep within the Earth. Notice how gravity holds you where you sit.
Allow your breath to find a natural rhythm. As you take in air, let it soften and relax your body. Feel this breath animating your core. Take as many breaths as you need to feel beneath and beyond thinking. Focus on allowing the feeling of contentment. Feel silence as healing.
Now, let yourself be gently flooded with the emotion of home. This emotional home is the place inside where everything is okay. Feel your contented essence. Know that joy is your birthright. Inhabit the rightness of your essence.
Soul Statement Affirmation
My emotions are precious and connected to my power.
Your emotional state will determine your activity and your choices. Does your emotional home need an upgrade? Are you able to claim the part of you that exhibits excellence or ease? When you’re in touch with your inner resources, you can be present for life. Presence is power. When you are clear on the inside, you can speak with more kindness. When you find yourself, you’ll know because it will feel like you’ve arrived home.
Personal Journaling Exercise
- Where do I return to emotionally when under stress or worry?
- What would I name this emotional place?
- What emotion do I want to spend more time feeling?
Soul Statements achieved Amazon’s bestseller in both the communication and meditation categories!

Corey Lyon Folsom
“Corey’s experience as a talented relationship coach, sexuality educator, vision quest guide and father provides a fresh perspective on finding healthy love. Soul Statements is an essential and practical guide to becoming your best self. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to communicate with greater empathy and emotional intelligence.”
— Judith Orloff, MD, author of The Empath’s Survival Guide
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