Energy Update August 2024
Welcome to this space of the magazine, the one you connect with each month—the moon, the sun, your spiritual being.
This is an invitation to set intentions and reflect throughout the month of August at key moments punctuating the solar and lunar cycles—a form of soul nourishment.
Have courage, dear heart… This is a month for the Sun and the Moon. Grab a cup of tea (or coffee), your journal and an open mind.
Let us get started.
SUN in Leo and Virgo
July 23rd – August 22nd:
Leo: the sign of the lion, the lioness. People who have this sun sign will light up a room. Natural performer. Confidence. Charismatic. Proud and loud. Sharer of light. Playfulness.
Leo is ruled by the sun. The sense of authority. A Leo likes to shine brightly like the sun.
The shadow of Leo is being self-centred, arrogant, and vain.
- What do I need to do to be the “star” of my own show this month?
- Where do I need more attention?
August 23rd- September 22nd:
Virgo: the practical and analytical self. Analytical, actions and practicality.
Virgo energy, ruled by Mercury, is about communicating your ideas with a penchant for details.
The shadow of Virgo is being critical, judgmental, and perfectionistic.
Take a journal and a pen.
- Where do I feel called to invite more practicality into my life?
- What ideas do I want to bring into matter under this energy?
MOON with New Moon in Leo + Full Moon in Aquarius
Create a ritual to connect with the moon. Let me share more about the moon phases and how to honor these.
New Moon: Set Intention. New Moon at 12° in Leo (Sunday 4.08 at 6.13 AM CDT, 12.13 PM BST and 9.13 PM AEST).
In the darkness. Connect with the seeds to be planted.
Leo Sun + Leo Moon = Fire + Fire element connection.
Leo is a yang sign, fixed and a fire sign. Yang is about doing and creating. A place created from a passionate heart space. Leo is about expression, it represents passion. It is all about fun, taking up space, being on stage and shining from this place. It is about embodying our passion and being seen for it.
It is a time to create from abundance. Leo is about charisma. Reflect on what is blocking you in your life to move forward and share your unique voice. What is your unique voice? Share your message and do it all with playfulness!
- What is my unique voice?
- What is arising in this new moon?
First Quarter Moon: Commitment. FQ Moon at 20° in Scorpio (Monday 12.08 at 10.19 AM CDT, 4.19 PM BST and Tuesday 13.08 at 1.19 AM AEST).
This is the time to take action. The time to grow. In the first Quarter Moon, you take inspired action towards the plans you have created.
Leo Intention + Scorpio Moon = Fire + Water element connection.
Scorpio is a yin sign; it is fixed and aligns with the element of water. Scorpio is about the principle of death and rebirth. The intention is to face our fears and know and step into our own power.
The scorpion has this ability to really cause death. Death to us means clarifying our values and being deeply aligned to our vision. It is time to work on bringing your vision to life.
Scorpio is inviting us to seek out this vision and for the meaningful impact we want to have in the world and surrender to the steps forward.
- What is my vision and what steps do I need to take to move closer towards it?
- What fears do I need to face to push forward towards what I seek?
Full Moon: Illuminate. Full Moon at 27° in Aquarius (Monday 19.08 at 1.26 PM CDT, 7.26 PM BST and Tuesday 20.08 4.26 AM AEST).
Expression of the need to embody passion. Under the Full Moon, all is illuminated. The seeds and intentions planted in the August New Moon are revealed.
Leo Intention + Aquarius Moon = Fire + Air element connection.
Aquarius is a yang sign, is fixed and connects with Air as an element. Air sign that is fixed and yang can be a beautiful combo.
It is all about journaling original ideas. It is all about being the questioner. Aquarius represents challenging ideas and making room for unorthodox ideas or opinions. It is all about channeling change.
Take a journal and a pen.
- What idea can I take action on right now?
- What opinion am I sitting on and needs to be brought into the world?
Last Quarter Moon: Re-evaluate. Last Quarter Moon at 5° in Gemini (Monday 26.08 at 4.26 AM CDT, 10.26 AM BST and 7.26 PM AEST).
The time to surrender.
Leo Intention + Gemini Moon = Fire + Air element connection.
Gemini is the yang. The doing. It connects with the element of Air. Represents the energy of learning and new experiences. The knowledge during the Gemini moon provides valuable lessons needed in our life.
As Gemini is about learning and experiences, once you are having these experiences you can feel joy. It is also the season to be kind. We know Gemini is about communication as well, so embrace this.
The Full Moon invites you to embrace the need to improve it all and just let it be.
Take a journal and a pen.
- What is illuminated in this Full Moon with your New Moon intention?
- What am I curious to explore?
What’s next?
Let’s drop into meditation in order to access more clarity. Choose your favorite type or if you need, head to Insight Timer and search ‘Laetitia Andrac’ for some guided meditations!
Let’s feel the ocean of possibility… and allow life to pleasantly surprise us as Source co-creates our dreams with us.
To stay connected always with the moon. Download my free Moon Calendar from my article link. Let’s stay connected always. Until next time.
With love. Laetitia.
- Let’s stay connected always…
- With love, connect with Laetitia:
- More articles are available from our VIP Executive Contributor, Laetitia Andrac.