Energy Update October 2024
Welcome to this space of the magazine. The one you connect with each month. The moon, the sun. Your spiritual being.
This is an invitation for you to set intentions and reflect throughout the month of October at key moments that punctuate the solar and lunar cycles – a form of soul nourishment.
Have courage, dear heart… This is a month for the Sun and the Moon. Grab a cup of tea (or coffee), your journal and an open mind.
Let us get started.
SUN in Libra and Scorpio
September 23rd – October 22nd:
Libra: connect with balance. Your own energetic scales. Co-create harmony with those around you. Elegance, diplomacy, and fairness.
It is a time to use your skills of diplomacy in order to hear both sides of a story. You may feel called to embrace both in your artistry of life, the light and the shadow. Create contrast. Libra energy ruled by Venus gives you time to honor the need for harmony, peace, love, and collaboration.
The shadow of Libra is about indecisiveness and lost to the sense of self. Take a journal and a pen.
- How do I balance my own needs with the reality of my life?
- What co-creation am I feeling called to birth in harmony with others?
October 23rd – November 21st:
Scorpio: connection to intuition, emotion, taboo and sex. Death and rebirth. Power and renewing.
A time to reflect on the principle of death and rebirth. The intention of facing your fears and knowing and stepping into your own power. Death to us means clarifying your values and being deeply aligned to your vision.
Scorpio is inviting you to embrace the playfulness and sexual part of yourself.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, which is all about taboo.
The shadow of Scorpio is about being defensive, secretive and vengeful. Take a journal and a pen.
- What is relevant to who you are today?
- What is transforming right now, subtle or deeply?
MOON with New Moon in Libra + Full Moon in Aries
Create a ritual to connect with the moon. Let me share more about the moon phases and how to honor these.
New Moon: Set Intention. New Moon + Solar Eclipse at 10° in Libra (Wednesday 2.10 at 1.49 PM CDT, 7.49 PM BST and Thursday 3.10 at 4.49 AM AEST).
In the darkness. Connect with the seeds to be planted.
Libra Sun + Libra Moon = Air + Air element connection.
Libra is the yang. The doing. It connects to the element of air. It is about bringing together the balance. To co-create harmony with those around you.
The energy of Libra is inviting you to move towards connection with fairness and respect. To collaborate across different cultures and social categories. To bring justice. To bring truth and reconciliation to all.
Plus we have a solar eclipse! This is a perfect time for rebirth and all aligned with a New Moon in Libra. Take a journal and a pen.
- What is arising, what is my New Moon intention?
- How can I bring more beauty into my life, my intentions, my being?
First Quarter Moon: Commitment. FQ Moon at 17° in Capricorn (Thursday 10.10 at 1.55 AM CDT, 7.55 AM BST and Friday 11.10 at 5.55 PM AEDT).
This is the time to take action. The time to grow. In the first Quarter Moon, you take inspired action towards the plans you have created.
Libra Intention + Capricorn Moon = Air + Earth element connection.
Capricorn is the yin. The being. It connects to the element of Earth. Capricorn has a powerful energy to make sense of what is complex. What might have felt otherwise hard to understand.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is putting an emphasis on what is earned over time such as achievements, recognitions or authority. Take a journal and a pen.
- How can I show my authority right now?
- What achievements make me the authority in my space?
Full Moon: Illuminate. Full Moon at 24° in Aries (Thursday 17.10 at 6.26 AM CDT, 12.26 PM BST, 10.26 PM AEDT).
Expression of the need to embody passion. Under the Full Moon, all is illuminated. The seeds and intentions planted in the August New Moon are revealed.
Libra Intention + Aries Moon = Air + Fire element connection.
Aries is a yang, cardinal and Fire sign. It is about this need to be free. Having the courage to follow your path. To be revolutionary. To embrace your true self. It is the principle of activity, this force and this drive. The Warrior or Warrioress. To embrace change and take risks.
We are in flow when we step into the change, this leader energy, this warrior energy. Aries is the Ram, which is associated with force.
The Full Moon invites you to act with force. Force is positive, it doesn’t have to be negative. So is conscious activism, this is very positive. The Warrior, also positive if we evaluate the risk, consciously. Aries is about caring and daring greatly. With this brings self-awareness, confidence and looking after each other. Take a journal and a pen.
- Where do I want to focus my fiery energy?
- What is illuminated in this Full Moon with my New Moon intention?
Last Quarter Moon: Re-evaluate. Last Quarter Moon at 1° in Leo (Thursday 24.10 at 3.03 AM CDT, 9.03 AM BST and 7.03 PM AEDT).
The time to surrender.
Libra Intention + Leo Moon = Air + Fire element connection.
Leo is a yang sign, fixed and a fire sign. Yang is about doing and creating. A place created from a passionate heart space. Leo is about expression, it represents passion.
It is all about fun, taking up space, being on stage and shining from this place. It is about embodying our passion and being seen for it. It is a time to create from abundance.
Leo is about charisma. Reflect on what is blocking you in your life to move forward and share your unique voice. What is your unique voice? Share your message and do it all with playfulness! Leo is connecting to our inner fire and heart! It is time to create with creativity as well whether that be drawing, painting, dancing, cooking – sharing the lightness around our passions! Take a journal and a pen.
- How can I connect to my creativity right now?
- If I were the heroine in a book, what ideals would I stand for?
- What’s next?
Let’s drop into meditation in order to access more clarity. Choose your favorite type,or if you need to, head to Insight Timer and search ‘Laetitia Andrac’ for some guided meditations!
Let’s feel the ocean of possibility… and allow life to pleasantly surprise us as Source co-creates our dreams with us.
To stay connected always with the moon. Download my free Moon Calendar. Let’s stay connected always.

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Reconnect to your inner knowing with this proven 5-step framework and say goodbye to your business’s daily hustle and burnout.
- Let’s stay connected always…
- Connect with Laetitia:
- More articles are available from our VIP Executive Contributor, Laetitia Andrac.