In this episode, host Jana Short speaks with Scott Gates. Scott is an Essential Oil expert, educator, and speaker. He is also a Certified NLP Practitioner and soon to be a certified NLP Coach.
We discuss:
– Scott’s journey through his life and what lead him to being who he is today.
– What natural things helped him in his life with allergies, acid reflex and more!
– The greatest doctors you are ever going to have in your life is yourself, so you have to find what’s best for your health.
– You cannot base everything you believe in on what you see.
– Finding your health and wellness is a process, you must build it and grow from it.
– It takes drive and commitment with “tools” to help you find what works best for your health.
– You don’t “get healthy”, you just find ways to maintain your health and live your life to your best ability.
– Our paths and life challenges change throughout our lifetime.
– Nature always wins so roll with it and go natural.
– When we try to control ourselves and health in an unnatural way, we throw ourselves out of a healthy balance.
– Pay attention to the chemicals that you are putting into your body.
– You must discover your own truth and that falls back to what you believe works.
– Natural ways to improve and maintain your health deserve more credit.
– Share your experiences and knowledge with people and let them choose how to use it or share it.
– You have to find what works for you best in your life, relationships and health-wise.
– The quality of life between the beginning and end is the most important.
– You must make your own life and be proud of it.
– Finding health and ways to improve yourself can help you live a better life without thinking of the bad.
Want to know more about Scott & Gates Wellness? You can reach Scott at
Scott it was such an honor being able to share your story on Oh, My Health… There is HOPE! as well as co-authoring the book with you! You are amazing and I have seen what your story has done for others first hand! You are a ROCKSTAR! Thank you!
Scott you really are an amazing man. I feel like what was covered in this interview was only just a fraction of how truly gifted you are. I cannot wait to start working with you on my driving using NLP! I have faith that with your expert help I will overcome my fear. It is always an absolute delight working with you. I loved your interview and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.