Holiday Hangover? Here’s Your Cure – Whether or not alcohol was involved, many of us experience a sort of hangover after the holidays. A bit of fatigue, a cold we can’t shake, or difficulty revving up the engine to get moving into the new year.
Do you feel like you burned the candle at all ends over the holidays? You may not have been partying through the whole season (and if you were, that’s okay!). You may have just been spending a lot of time indoors with different groups of people.
Or you had to do a lot of shopping for a long list of necessities, including food, supplies, gifts, or new clothes for you or your family.
Whatever your holidays looked like, chances are you got out a lot and mingled with strangers and family alike. You might wonder why you feel so run down and fuzzy in the brain or can’t seem to shake a cold from perfectly normal holiday gatherings.
Here’s the thing: today’s flu is not the same as yesterday’s, and today’s colds are also not what they used to be. Last year, we had a huge wave of RSV, this year, listeria, and we keep hearing about monkeypox and other new strains of COVID. If you already suffer from auto-immune or chronic health symptoms, catching one of these bugs can make you feel even worse.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed what I’m seeing, but since 2020, when we all faced the pandemic, it seems people are getting sick more frequently and for longer. Sometimes, it takes weeks to recover!
I have clients who come down with a bug that normally would get knocked out within a few days and still complain of symptoms a week or two weeks later. These symptoms include low energy, exhaustion, brain fog, respiratory challenges, frequent sneezing, and trouble concentrating.
It’s as though something about the coronavirus changed the game with other viruses that used to be ordinary occurrences. Many people have described what doctors have termed “long COVID,” where symptoms from that bug go on for weeks and even months or years in some cases (like loss of taste or smell or fatigue).
Is it possible that our immune systems are still coping with the fallout from that time? Or are the bugs that are going around stronger? Regardless of the reason, there are simple but powerful steps we can take to boost our immune system and shake off the onslaught of lingering symptoms.
Before we explore immune-strengthening tools to keep you and your loved ones from getting stuck in a loop of irritating symptoms, I want to be clear that I am not here to spread fear or worry.
There is nothing wrong with spending time with family and friends during the holidays or any other time of the year. Crowds are inevitable for most of us, whether we live in a city or visit a suburban shopping mall. And that’s okay.
I find it helpful to acknowledge what I’m seeing and be proactive about protecting my and my family’s health. To me, this is empowerment. If the bugs are stronger, that’s fine; we can adapt. The most important thing is not to go into fear.
If you know you will be spending time in large crowds or gathering in small spaces with groups of people, you can do a few things to help you avoid catching bugs and spending days or weeks in bed afterward. The good news is that these same tools help you bounce back if you see something.
These powerful immune-boosting supplements are at the top of my list for powerful immune support: Propolis tincture, liquid zinc sulfate, a high-quality vitamin C powder, licorice root tea or tincture, cat’s claw tincture, goldenseal tincture, and lemon balm tincture. (**All tinctures should be alcohol-free only).
Each of these supplements has amazing pathogen-fighting properties that feed immune cells. They are perfect for taking before and after going to the mall, visiting a place of worship, spending an evening with family, going out to a restaurant, seeing a movie, or attending a party.
If you do decide to drink alcohol while you’re out, be sure to have a snack that’s high in glucose and electrolytes before bed and upon waking. Great options include bananas, raw honey, coconut water, fresh orange juice, and dates. These hangover remedies are far more effective than a plate of greasy hash browns and eggs or a morning beer.
When you’re fighting a cold, flu, or other virus, here are some essential foods to bring in to help you get back on your feet quickly: fresh ginger, fresh orange juice, raw honey, raw onions, bananas, steamed potatoes, raw garlic, which is like Nature’s multivitamin and antibiotic all rolled into one (you can mash it into some potatoes, avocado, banana, or honey to make it more palatable), herbal tea made with fresh thyme or rosemary, and any type of leafy green.
A quick and easy immune-boosting powerhouse is to juice one clove of fresh garlic, a one-inch piece of fresh ginger, a one- to two-inch piece of fresh turmeric, and an orange, mix them, and take them as a shot. It’s a strong flavor I love and packs a big immune punch to stop bugs in their tracks.
A great way to replenish your system as you battle or recover from a bug is to consume primarily liquids like coconut water, fresh juices, clean vegetable broths with no added salt, and water with fresh citrus like lemon or lime squeezed into it.
It’s also a good idea to limit your intake of dietary fats when sick so that your body can recover more quickly—switch that chicken noodle soup for a chickpea noodle soup, and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel.
It’s shocking how frequently people seem to be coming down with bugs—kids, young people, and adults. Thankfully, nature provides everything we need to overcome this seemingly constant wave of health challenges as long as we know where to look and how to use what’s available.
We never have to live in fear when we know what steps to take to regain our health, both in the short term if we pick something up from a concert we recently attended or in the long term if we suddenly find ourselves on mattress island, unable to get up and complete our routine for weeks at a time.
Building the immune system with these simple tools can make a massive difference in your fear. Try them, and you’ll see how normal it can be not to get that seasonal flu or come back from it within a day or two instead of a week or two. It’s all about adapting to thrive.
- Access Muneeza’s Root Cause of Symptoms.
- Get Muneeza’s Purify and Revitalize: 5 Ways to Protect Your Home From Toxic Nasties.
- More articles from our VIP Executive Contributor Muneeza Ahmed.