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how to awaken your intuition and harness the life of your dreams – there’s a wisdom within you waiting to be tapped. this wisdom is more powerful than any thought you can create, offering insight and understanding about life beyond the most educated mind or prestigious degree. it’s your intuition, your inner knowing, that innate gut feeling that reacts to life by sending signals throughout your body and guiding you toward truth. your intuition acts as a dependable guide in moments of uncertainty and challenge. think of it as your internal gps, always leading you towards your true path, even if it diverges from the one you had planned. but sometimes, despite its clear guidance, you override it because another voice creeps in, thinking it knows better. often, that’s the voice of expectation and fear. i know this struggle firsthand. for years, i stayed stuck in toxic relationships, unable to figure out why they went wrong. my intuition whispered when something was wrong, but i ignored it, swayed by external pressures and self-doubt. similarly, i stayed in a stable career that offered security but lacked fulfillment. it wasn’t until i learned to trust my intuition that i found the courage to break free from these patterns. “trust your instincts. intuition doesn’t lie.”. – oprah winfreyyou can trust your intuition, too, and stop seeking safety through comfort zone behaviors, relationships, and jobs. how? that’s the million-dollar question. it doesn’t come with a magic bullet answer. it’s a process that takes conscious attention and patience with yourself. in essence, it begins by giving yourself the chance to remember who you are deep down, at your core. once you clear out the voices of fear, judgment, and expectation from your being, you can then hear the voice of your intuition clear and strong. this is a journey. don’t expect one simple act or journaling session to completely rewire your beliefs and get you trusting your gut 100% of the time. but, if you’re patient with yourself and embrace the process of unlearning to remember your inner knowing, you will find it works for you. exercises to help you trust your intuition:1) inner child exploration: “who was i before the world got to me?”don’t analyze or overthink it; just recall the younger you. visualize the child who was living carefree and spent their days doing what they most enjoyed. describe that child in 3-5 words. what did they most enjoy, in 2-4 words? how did they like to be loved and cared for, in 1-2 sentences? permit yourself to embrace these qualities and activities. let yourself talk with that child within. they symbolize what brings you happiness and peace. trust them. 2)connect with your body: more specifically, connect with your nervous system.believe it or not, the body’s energetic memory stores a lot of shame, stress, and stories of inadequacy. it’s difficult to trust your intuition because of embedded memories in your energy system, aka your nervous system, which creates self-doubt, trauma responses, and feelings of unworthiness. when you engage the nervous system, the trauma responses start to dissolve, like a knot that finally starts to undo itself after careful massage and nurturing. think of these energetic knots as roadblocks that create traffic jams in your energy, making it impossible for your intuition to reach your conscious awareness. you can remove those blocks and clear the path to your intuition. surround yourself with quality people; ideally, people other than your existing friends or family. when you have a sacred community of people who are in your life to heal, grow, and evolve, you can accelerate that growth far beyond what’s possible when your circle stays the same as always. your family and friends play a critical role in your life; they are relationships worth nurturing. and, you need a community that can receive you unconditionally, without the noise of the past. you need people who are willing to gently hold you in your rawest moments without rushing to fix you and can hold you accountable in moments you need the mirror held up. this is what a sacred, conscious community can do – help you blossom in your individual journey of healing and growth. when these three pieces are in place, you’re on the path to remembering yourself. you’re on the path to trusting your intuition, and you’re changing your life. “you will never trust your intuition until you identify with it. self-esteem enters here.”. -deepak choprawhat you’ll discover:you’ll be brave. you’ll become the person you’ve dreamed of being and so much more. you’ll stop settling in relationships that erase important parts of you and require you to prove your worth instead of nourishing your innate value. you’ll start living more and forcing outcomes less. you’ll see yourself as more than achievements and ambition. you’ll know that you can trust in your own truth and be at peace with it. you were meant for more. you weren’t meant for a scripted role where you live half-alive. if you were, you wouldn’t wonder what else is out there for you. you wouldn’t sit up at night asking yourself what’s missing. it’s not a new job. or a new city. or a new boyfriend. you’re searching for yourself. deep, resounding trust and belief in who you are and what you stand for. you just need to remember the voice within. check out the embrace your essence podcast :. connect with parinaz shams to learn more. read more from our executive contributor, parinaz shams.
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