What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You!
The sun can cause a lot of damage to more than just our skin. It is important to always have some form of sun protection. But what happens when the protection does more harm than good? Keep reading to learn how to incorporate natural sun protection into your daily routine.
Be On the Lookout!
We all know the devastating effects the sun can have on our skin. With the increase in research and information regarding skin cancers the demand for sunscreen has dramatically increased. However, be careful what you reach for! There are tons of toxic chemicals and compounds in numerous sunscreens.
Some of the harmful side effects of these compounds are:
- Hormonal Disruptions
- Increase of Skin Tumors and Lesions
- Growth Promotion of Cancerous Cells
- Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
- Cell Damage
Natural Alternatives
Research has shown that consuming certain foods can increase our bodies natural ability to protect itself against the sun. Foods that have been shown to protect from within are:
- Pomegranates
- Turmeric
- Citrus Fruit (internal not externally)
- Carrots
- Almonds
- Watermelon
- Strawberries
- Red Grapes
- Tomatoes
- Green Tea
- Leafy Greens
- Flaxseed
Please keep in mind that we all metabolize things at different rates. This makes it important to utilize multiple forms of natural sun protection.
Build Up Your Defense.
A great way to do just that is by wearing protective gear such as a hat and sunglasses. One of the most effective ways to prevent sun damage and keep it natural is to make your own sunscreen. Some of our favorite all natural sun protection carriers are red raspberry seed oil (SPF 25-50) and carrot seed oil (SPF 35-40). There are tons of recipes out there. Whichever route you choose to take just make sure to protect yourself from the sun and any unwanted toxins. What’s in your current sunscreen?
If you would like us to post our favorite all natural sunscreen recipe please leave a comment!
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