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i was nothing without my health why healing is my passion, my purpose, and my legacy. – i was sitting in my car outside the doctor’s office, exhausted. i had just left my twelfth doctor’s visit in six months. i was near tears because, once again, the doctor had no answers. i had lost hope that i would heal. he said my constant tiredness was chronic fatigue syndrome and that i had hashimoto’s thyroiditis and multiple chemical sensitivities. he offered more medication to manage my symptoms. i had been on meds my whole life and i knew in my bones meds were not the answer. sitting in the car alone, i thought, “i refuse to be sick for the rest of my life. there must be a way to heal, and i will find it.” i decided to take matters into my own hands. as we all do, i went to dr. google and researched my symptoms, read books and watched lectures… i spent over 2000 hours learning how to increase my health and well-being. i was so desperate that i became an expert on my own health. after all this research, i knew food would be pivotal to my healing.i focused on removing inflammatory foods, increasing hydration, and starting a specific supplement routine. what happened next was nothing short of a miracle. i went from exhaustion to having more energy than i had in years. instead of no answers, i now had a clear plan yielding results that no doctor could provide. i was healing with natural foods instead of managing symptoms with medication. this journey wasn’t easy, but i am grateful for it because it led me to my life’s work: helping thousands of others do the same. my long road to healthi have never taken my health for granted. the search for well-being has followed me my entire life. from head-to-toe eczema as a baby to severe asthma in my teens to almost dying from a poisonous spider bite followed by severe neurological lyme disease symptoms, i have seen it all and by god’s grace, i have overcome. i have grown immensely through every triumph and challenge; i would not be who i am today without my health struggles. with each setback, i realized without my health, i had nothing. no matter your age, losing your health is devastating. the spider bite paralyzed my arm for a year. this meant i could not hug my daughters with both arms. i could not shave that armpit for a year. it’s the little things we take for granted that we miss the most. health scares – or any kind of suffering or hardship – can limit us. and when we bounce back, we never take what we lost for granted again. from long covid to long pandemicthe covid-19 pandemic was a defining moment for me and for global awareness of health and immunity. while an economic crisis can be weathered and political turmoil can be overcome, this global health crisis brought humanity to a halt. there has been no other time in recent history when everyone was so concerned about their health, both physical and mental. none of us escaped the panic and anxiety, with many afraid to travel, shop, leave our homes, and even share the same room with loved ones who had fallen ill. and to make matters worse, “long-covid” is being used to describe lingering symptoms after contracting the virus, which only compounded everyone’s fears. in addition to “long-covid”, i think many of us have also experienced “long pandemic” – mental and emotional symptoms that have lingered long after the acute anxiety of 2020 and 2021. do you notice you’re a bit more nervous in crowds than you used to be? do you hesitate to hug a family member without consciously knowing why? were you uncomfortable as you got used to traveling again? i don’t pretend to have a silver bullet against covid – although i believe that natural methods to boost the immune system kept my family and me safe and could have prevented millions more from getting gravely ill or dying. but i believe i do have an antidote for the effects of “long pandemic.”. from struggle to empowermentjust like you, i was terrified at the start of the pandemic. there was so much we didn’t know, and daily life felt dangerous. i worried for my young children, my parents, and the many health-compromised clients i support. as i was locked down with my family, i remembered my hard-learned lessons from years of health struggles. what i want to share with you, dear reader, is that just as the human spirit is resilient when faced with struggle, and the human body is remarkably resilient when given what it needs. illness teaches us patience and resilience in ways that nothing else can. this resilience kept me grounded while the world was wrapped in chaos during the pandemic. i knew that everything i had learned about immunity and the tools i used to recover would help protect me and my family from this new virus. this knowledge of how to react during times of health crisis is hard-won but priceless. stay calm, strengthen your body and your mind, and persevere. is this not why you read this magazine? amongst other things, you come here to empower yourself. while mainstream voices spread nothing but fear, self-empowerment is crucial to avoid the trap of fear and helplessness that can cause as much harm as illness. we are hungry for messages of self-empowerment. i saw a massive increase in appointments during the pandemic because people were focused on prevention and natural support for ongoing health issues. our global membership program grew as people sought trustworthy sources of information and a safe place to share their concerns. members asked health questions, learned key healing tools, and connected with a like-minded community. for many, it was their only lifeline during a lockdown and they used it for strength and self-empowerment. now more than ever, we need to be able to empower ourselves to rebuild our health because, in light of the pandemic, we have realized that the value of health is critical. we can no longer take it for granted. the pandemic no one talks aboutthough the covid pandemic may be officially over, an unseen pandemic of chronic illness plays out every day. millions of people suffer from mysterious neurological symptoms like migraines, memory loss, pain, brain fog, fatigue, muscle spasms, burning pain, sensitivity to chemicals and fragrances, and more. millions more are struggling with ‘autoimmune’ diseases (a mislabel because the body does not attack itself, only pathogens do that). there are healing tools and holistic methods which work to reverse these conditions that doctors believe are irreversible. become your own health detectivemy message for you, above all else, is this: you can heal. there is always a path to improvement. some conditions are more complex than others, but no matter what you are up against, you can improve your health by learning what the body needs to do so. what exactly do you need to learn?first, find the root cause of your condition. medical communities have stopped looking for root causes because they label most conditions genetic or autoimmune or tell you it’s in your head or caused by your hormones. sound familiar? what i am here to tell you is that in almost all cases, illness is caused by a pathogen (primarily viruses and harmful bacteria) combined with poisons that harm us. poisons like toxic heavy metals, pesticides, radiation, and industrial chemicals feed pathogens while weakening the immune system. you won’t find this information in most medical textbooks. it’s present in the information of respected health authority anthony william, the medical medium ®. the medical literature, however, is starting to acknowledge the role that viruses play in neurological health. once you’ve uncovered the root causes of your symptoms, removing toxic foods and substances is essential. eggs feed viruses and harmful bacteria. so does corn, soy, gluten, dairy, canola, and toxic food additives like msg and natural flavors. removing these foods can be a game-changer in your health. to go further, remove harsh substances like caffeine and alcohol to strengthen your immune system. step three is to bring in healing foods and protocols. there are specific cleanses with proven track records that reverse chronic illness, liver dysfunction, premature aging, infertility, and more. my father found changing his habits daunting when he finally decided to address his rheumatoid arthritis after suffering for 37 years. he didn’t think healing foods could help him – he believed the doctors who said his condition was irreversible – but i persisted. after ten years of slow progress, my father is now practically pain-free. he was limited by his condition for almost four decades, but no longer. my passion, my purpose, my legacyyou probably remember that medical and media voices during the pandemic were fraught with conflict and controversy. nobody could agree on the best ways to prevent or treat the virus – we had no clarity. nothing was said about the importance of building the immune system or consuming healing foods, herbs, and supplements. it’s time for more voices to enter the conversation. voices of people like me, who have fought for their health, found answers, and come out stronger to offer what they’ve learned to help others. my mission is to help as many people as possible to find the root cause of their illness and discover real solutions to regain health freedom. sickness and disease are not our fate, and they are not inevitable, no matter how common. each one of us deserves to thrive. i’ve seen miracles of clients reversing their chronic pain, als, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and more. i work daily to build a legacy of empowerment rather than limitation due to illness. i’ll leave you with a story from my family. the time to overcome is nowyears ago, our pool developed algae, and my husband wanted to fix the problem himself, and refused to call professionals. after three weeks of tinkering as the algae grew, he reluctantly called a pool service. they told us we could have saved a lot of time and money if we’d called three weeks earlier. we also missed out on treasured family pool time. when it comes to health, you do not have time to waste. by trying to fix it yourself, you could feel far worse and spend more money before you finally learn how to reverse your symptoms. take advantage of the answers that others have already discovered. i am here to give you hope if you have lost it. i am here to tell you that in the face of confusion and helplessness, there are answers. you can heal and gain your life and dreams back, just like my father and i did. as more of us fight for our health, we can change the story in this world from one of lost hope to empowerment. i invite you to join me in my crusade to make that world a reality. connect with muneeza: get muneeza’s 7-day stress accountability checklist. more articles from our vip executive contributor muneeza ahmed.
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