I cannot tell you how many times I have to tell people that their bodies are ALWAYS actively talking to them! In all fairness to them it can be hard to understand exactly what our bodies are saying. Even when we finally do figure out what they are trying to tell us it can be even more difficult to determine how to correct the problem we have now uncovered. This can cause a ton of issues both physically and emotionally to occur. It is no wonder there are so many people currently dealing with some sort of health issue. Truth be told I was Pre Med and I was never told about any of these warning signs to look out for when dealing with a patient. It wasn’t until I ended up shifting gears and focusing more on natural medicine that these signs were brought to my attention.
What you don’t know that is hurting you!
I won’t lie, the fact that such a large portion of our nation’s health crisis revolves around insufficient education really drives me nuts. We claim to be at the forefront of medicine and education. Yet, looking at other countries it seems as if we don’t really have a leg to stand on. Why is it we cannot just admit that how we are currently operating is insufficient and take notes from areas that seem to have gotten the equation right? We are constantly telling people that it is okay to need and ask for help. So, why don’t we heed our own words? Where is the harm in taking the necessary steps to find a solution to our current health problem? Clearly, this is a bit of a hot topic for me as such it can be easy for me to lose sight of the end goal for this article and that is to give you some basic information that you can apply to your everyday life.
Mother Knows Best!
Have you ever wondered why we crave certain foods at different times of the year? That is because Mother Nature in her infante wisdom wants us to be healthy and happy year round. What is it that causes us not to be healthy and happy year round? Well, it may be hard for some people to hear this but at the end of the day we all have ourselves to blame. We are constantly getting in our own way. Whether it is eating things we know we shouldn’t or doing things that we know serve no purpose towards our health or happiness. How do we fix the problem? It’s going to take a lot more than one post to even scratch the surface, but the silver lining in all of this is that we all have the tools we need to be happy and healthy year round!
What is Missing in Your Education?
I don’t know about you, but I always hated hearing that I already had everything I needed to reach my goals. It was as if they were saying that I was doing EVERYTHING wrong. The reality was that while I may not have been doing EVERYTHING wrong I was doing more than enough wrong to cause my progress to stall. It can be really hard to swallow your pride and reevaluate your current methodology, especially when you worked so hard to get where you are at that moment. Here’s the thing, one of the traits that ALL successful people have is the ability to learn from their mistakes. If you take nothing else away from this article, just know that you already have all the tools you need to be successful, you just need someone to help teach you how and when to use those tools!
Tools of the Trade!
So here are a few of my favorite tools. First off, a list of food cravings and what it is that your body is really telling you it needs. Are you craving chocolate? It means you need magnesium reach for some raw nuts, seeds, or fruit. Craving Sweets? You could be low in the following: chromium, carbon, phosphorus, sulfur, or tryptophan reach for dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli), lean meats, grapes, or beans. Craving bread? You need more nitrogen reach for fish, raw nuts, or lean meats. Craving oily or fatty treats? You are low in calcium reach for broccoli, kale, or legumes. Need more coffee or tea? You could be low in the following: phosphorous, sulfur, salt, or iron reach for lean meats, dark greens, black cherries, garlic, onions, raw nuts, fish, or seaweed.
What are You Craving?
What if you are an ice chewer? This can indicate that you are low in iron a great way to naturally balance out your iron levels is with broccoli, kale, spinach, dark greens, lean meat, fish, or cherries. Craving something salty? This usually indicates a need for chloride reach for goat cheese, fish, or sea salt. Need something carbonated? This can indicate a need for calcium reach for broccoli, kale, sesame seeds, or legumes. Craving something acidic? You need magnesium reach for raw nuts, seeds, and fruits. Lastly, if you are in need of an ice cold drink it can mean that you need manganese. Be sure to eat more almonds, walnuts, pecans, pineapples, or blueberries.
I hope this article helps you understand your body a little better. I will try to post more helpful tips and things to look out for to ensure you listen to your body when it asks for help. I don’t know about you, but I get really frustrated when I have to constantly repeat myself. So much so, that if I have to do it too often I just give up and start shutting down because clearly no one was listening to me in the first place. That is exactly how your body feels! At the end of the day your body wants you to be as healthy and happy as possible and so do I. That is why I am urging you to listen to your body EVERYDAY! If you are currently dealing with something healthwise that is just too much for you to take on alone. I want you to know that you do not have to. I am always here for you all you have to do is reach out and let me know if you need help. As always, if you have any questions or just want to talk please feel free to contact me directly at DrDeeandMe@gmail.com or leave a comment below. You deserve to be healthy, happy, and successful what is stopping you?
Want to learn more about Dr.Dee? Visit check out her expert profile (complete with other blog posts by her!) at www.bestholisticlife.com/dr-dixie-short.
Jana Short says
Dr. Dee, I love this blog and it is so true. Every client I have ever worked with that had a life-altering health experience always tell me they had signs that they ignored.
This is a great article and really helps us take stock of what our bodies are saying to us.
Thank you I love your blogging style!