Looking for a quick-healthy-refreshing treat on these hot summer days that also satisfies a sweet tooth?
My Sherbacream is the ticket! It’s a texture that of sherbet and ice cream… hence how I came up with/created the name. The best part is that you can whip up at home in a snap. Being it is dairy free with no added sugar; it is a great alternative if you have an autoimmune disease and avoid diary. Oh, and it is even kid approved. My 8-year-old asks for this instead of regular ice cream now. Talk about a win-win!
Ingredients for me are very important. We are what we eat, right? I started really getting into what foods do what to and for our body, when I decided to take control of my health and started my healing journey. Over the years I was diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, EBV/CFS and CRPS. I knew I had the power to heal and knew it was going to take some work, so I got reading and researching. Besides getting my hormones in balance first and foremost, I also started taking a closer look at my food intake and changed that up. I am now symptom free, in remission, for close to one year.
~What’s in it~
So, let’s talk ingredients quick. It’s a combo of frozen mixed berries and bananas, almond milk with an optional add in of honey. Berries are a staple in my house and my go to fruit because of the health benefits. They are loaded with antioxidants, high in fiber and help fight inflammation just to name a few. Bananas are also nutrient dense, loaded with antioxidants and help with the sweetness side the riper they are. So stock up!
The optional honey is totally up to you and your palette. I find it is just as yummy without it. You can either enjoy it after blending as a soft serve or throw back in the freezer for a harder texture.
I would love to hear what your go to summer treat is and or any questions! Please share in the comments below.
Happy Blending!

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