Becoming an online expert and significant influencer in your field is imperative if you are trying to become a global influencer in your field.
Do you ever feel like a little fish swimming in a school of millions of other fish? Well if you are trying to build a business online, that is precisely what you are — a little fish amongst millions of other fishes all fighting be noticed in the school.
How do you become a significant influencer in your field? For that matter, why would you even want to be? The why is the driving force, so if you don’t have your why yet; you should take a minute to figure out exactly why you want this. My why was easy, suffering a life-changing illness, I realized at my lowest, most desperate and terrifying moment. During my battle, I discovered there were others just like me, scared, untrusting, and desperate for health answers. I knew my why was to serve others, to share my story and expertise and my message of hope.
The next question you need to ask yourself is why an online business build? For me, that was easy. I wanted to extend my reach; if I offered my services through a brick and mortar space, I would be limited to a 20-mile radius. I wanted to be able to serve more than that. I wanted my reach to stretch out into other countries. Now that I found my voice, passion, and message of hope, I wanted to share it with the world.
Once you get your why’s all situated the big question is how? How do you stand out online literally in an online sea of millions? Do you ever feel like you are shouting at the world and no one is listening? That is exactly what my experience was when I started. Now with a pretty decent following of over 28,000 on Instagram and another 22,000 in facebook groups and pages, not to mention my Twitter and Pinterest accounts. I have cracked the code when it comes to standing out in my field! My reach has grown to several other countries, and my clients, followers, and fans are growing larger each day.
TIP #1 Say YES!
How do you make that happen for yourself? Here is my secret, SAY YES! Come from a place of yes. Exposure is what allows you to start stepping forward as an expert and major influencer in your field. When I say always to say yes, it means, ask yourself, is this in line with my why, and my mission? If it then says YES! If your friend is starting a podcast in her garage and ask to interview, YES! Say YES! You want all the exposure you can get.
You need to be heard and share your story. Your message is compelling, when I stand on stage and speak, I know everyone looking at me see’s the healthier me. They can’t imagine my struggle, desperation, and fear of the past. It’s tough for someone who is struggling, sick, scared, and desperate to look at me and think I was ever feeling the same way. Speak your truth and share your story. When you do this, you do several things.
You become relatable to your potential clients. You are building rapport and trust, and if you can share your darkest moment with others, they will feel as though they can open up and share with you. I did not share my story for years, until one day, when I was forced to share in front of hundreds of people. It was so powerful, and at the moment, I realized how selfish I had been, expecting others to open up to me while I hid from them. Speak your truth.
Now that you know your story and your message and why are clear, start sharing it with the world. Blogging is so powerful; I’ve been building my business for almost eight years now and didn’t start blogging until this last year. It has changed my world and given me another venue to share my expertise with others. I have gained tons of followers, clients, and met some pretty incredible experts. There are so many online blogging articles on how to create a great blog. Here’s my tip to you, always be honest and transparent with your followers and clients. What will take you a lifetime to build will tumble like a house of cards if you take your eye off that rapport you are creating with your followers and clients. I can not help someone if they come to me and withhold necessary information, but why would I expect them to be honest and forthright with me if I am not with them.
Do you remember that friend with the podcast in their garage that wanted to interview you? Well, not only should you say yes but look for other friends with a podcast in their garage to join. If you are on social media, pick 1 or 2 to focus on, you can be everywhere but master 1 or 2 sites. Start accepting interviews, write-ups, podcasts. Every chance you get to share your story, say yes!
If you want to be considered an expert and major influencer in your field, you need to network with others who have already accomplished that. I started by finding a couple of facebook groups that were doing exceptionally well, had a lot of great content, and offered free and paid courses. A few of my favourite networking groups were Amazing Women Entrepreneurs Network, The Veranda Virtual Networking for Women in Business, and of course, Health Influencers Mastermind. These were key for me getting speaking, interview, and exposure. When I listed these five tips, they were in no particular order of importance because they really all need attention. Having said that this is one of the tips I spend the most time doing to help build that rapport and my exposure online.
Now that you have some great tips, you’re probably wondering where do I start and how do I make this happen for me. If you’re in the health and wellness field as a doctor, coach, expert or influencer then you know what I am always telling my clients “there is no magic pill or magical wand to get you there instantly.” It takes work, consistency, patience, and a really good sense of humour. This is also true when building your brand and your business online.
When I created Best Holistic Life, it was to allow experts like yourself to do all the above. We created a platform to give you a voice and exposure, a place where your story can be heard, where you can start to stand out and shine.
Best Holistic Life offers you the following:
- A growing blogging platform
- Opportunities to be interviewed on several podcasts
- Listed in a directory with MAJOR Influencers and experts
- Write up in Best Holistic Life & Thriving Entrepreneurs Quarterly Magazine,
- Access to private networking groups
- Your events listed in our calendar of events
- List one free mini course
- List one free paid course (we link directly to your site)
- Special Bonus, Opportunity to contribute and co-author one of our books in a series of books compiled by experts and influencers in the health and wellness field.
If you don’t already have a media press kit, you are going to need one! You should have a long bio as well as a short bio, at least five photos, a couple of head shots and some candid shots. List all your links, to social media, websites, calendars, and courses you offer. List everything you’ve done, if you’ve been interviewed on a podcast, state featured on Best Holistic Life podcast, if you have been quoted or written up in a magazine or article, state that “quoted in Amazing Women Entrepreneurs” with our quote, or “featured in Thrive Magazine.” Remember, everything you do, everything you write, everything you say should be leading people back to you as that expert and influencer.
You are the brand; you are the magic. The one true constant in your life is you. Start sharing your story; I always say most of us didn’t grow up as little girls and say one day I am going to be in the holistic health and wellness industry. If you did that is pretty rare, and I love that you’re living your dream, but most of us stumbled on our current paths because something occurred in our lives that created such an impact we were not only drawn to what we do but driven to do more.
I live a life of service to others, first to my faith, then to my family, friends, and clients. I am so grateful that I was lead on this path of service that I have been gifted with the tools and connections to help my clients while assisting other experts to reach their dreams and extend their reach, allowing them to build their business and serve more.
If you are an expert and want to become more of a global influencer, please take a moment to fill out our expert questionnaire, and schedule a quick call with me. I would love to be given the opportunity to showcase you and your story to the world.

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