On our trip to Peru last year we had the best Peruvian ceviche. Everywhere you went, they served it. We had it at a gas station! I know, I know, in the United States you would have to be out of your mind to get ceviche at your local gas station, but this was delicious. I would make the trip back to Peru, if for only the ceviche.
In Peru, ceviche has been declared to be part of Peru’s “national heritage” and has had an actual holiday announced in its honor. They prepare their ceviche smilier to ours, with the classic chunks of raw fish, marinated in freshly squeezed key lime or bitter orange juice. They also include corn, did you know that Peru grows more than 55 varieties of corn? I had no idea. Here is one for you; they also grow over 3,000 different types of potatoes.
They add a type of corn that has huge kernels called Choclo; in this case, bigger is better. The Choclo has extra large bulbous kennels “almost five times bigger than our North American corn, and has a creamy texture. The locals told us they liked it better not only because of the sweet taste, but the kernels were so large they didn’t need to floss after eating it.
As soon as I got home, I searched the internet to make sure I could purchase this delicious corn in the US, and you can! This is perfect because on our trip we took a Peruvian cooking class and guess what they were making? You got it, Ceviche, and I am going to share that delicious recipe with all of you.
In this recipe we are going to be using lime essential oil, this does not replace the lime juice you’ll need to use, it just kicks up the flavor. When using Lime essential oil, its necessary to read your labels and make sure the oil you are using is safe for consumption. Not all essential oils are created equally, and not all essential oils will be safe for digesting. I have been using dōTERRA’s essential oils for eight years now, and lime is entirely safe to ingest. I do encourage all of you to read your labels and do your homework when choosing an essential oil.
Lime has so many amazing properties and benefits. I put lime on as a perfume almost daily, especially in the warm summer months. I can’t tell you how many times someone has approached me asking what I was wearing. Lime is known for its distinct aromas and taste, and it provides a cleansing benefit when taken internally or used topically — making it the perfect oils for purifying skin, air, and surfaces.
My top 5 ways to use Lime Essential Oil:
- Diffuse to cleanse your home and life your mood
- Use it to remove stubborn grease spots or sticker residue. I do this all the time!
- Add 1 to 2 drops to your drinking water to enhance the flavor.
- Add 1 drop to your facial cleanser or shampoo for adding cleaning properties.
- Add 2 drops to your favorite margarita mix; it’s delicious!
Get top quality Therapeutic Grade Essential oils by Doterra here.
I would love it if you shared your take on this ceviche dish with us at #teammorethanoils #bestholisticlife. We would love your feedback.

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