Let’s face it no matter how much we reduce our toxic exposure there are always going to be things that are out of our control. We are constantly exposed to environmental toxins that can wreak havoc on our bodies. Now, while our bodies have been designed to naturally detoxify, the amounts of toxins we are exposed to in today’s modern lifestyle are more than our bodies are capable of handling alone. Have no fear because today you are going to learn everything you need to know to ensure you are reducing your toxic load naturally.
How does Detoxing Benefit You?
What’s in it for you? There are several benefits to detoxing that make ideal to incorporate into your lifestyle. Detoxing has been shown to help dramatically increase energy levels. Who couldn’t use a little bit of a pick me up from time to time? It aids internal organs and improves digestion. Detoxing reduces inflammation and slows down the aging process. It strengthens your immune system while also providing mental clarity. Detoxing also has amazing benefits for skin and hair such as: hair strength, length, and shine, skin clarity, texture, radiance, and color. It helps balance hormones and improve mood. More importantly detoxing helps with weight management and reducing body odor!
Do You Need to Detox?
As I mentioned before in this post, we all need to detox regularly. Dependent upon how healthy you are, you may need to detox less than others. For example, approximately eight hours after eating our bodies naturally enter detoxification mode, where as healthier individuals it takes about four hours. There are some signs you can watch out for that help indicate you NEED to detox NOW.
Constantly feeling exhausted, stressed, or overwhelmed
Lack of mental clarity
Frequent headaches
Constantly sick
Digestive issues
Breakouts or dull lack-luster complexion
Carry excess weight
Bad breath or BO
Emotional instability
Ready to Start?
Now that you know what to be on the lookout for you may have noticed that you have several of the signs listed above. Don’t worry, because this smoothie bowl recipe will help save you from your toxic overload. If you are interested in learning more on simple ways to naturally detox and take back control of your life be sure to contact me. If you would like to have more detox recipes leave a comment below and I will add some more in with tons of information on how each of the foods can help you transform your life. As always be sure to follow Best Holistic Life for more great content!
Detoxing Smoothie Bowl (Serves 2)
- ¼ Ripe Avocado
- 2 Medium Bananas Ripe and Frozen
- ½ Cup Frozen Strawberries
- ½ Cup Frozen Pineapple
- ½ Cup Spinach
- 2 Scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
- 1 ½-2 Cup Coconut Milk
- 1 TBsp Chia Seeds
- 2 TBsp Almond Butter
Combine all ingredients into blender and mix well until desired texture has been achieved. Top with your choice of fresh berries, shredded coconut, pecans, and almond butter.
This sounds so good. I’m always looking for ways and recipes that can help us detoxify our bodies and homes for us and our clients. When we look at your list of symptoms, every client we’ve had was experiencing many of these. That’s why we always emphasize the importance of detoxifying, it should be a daily part of every wellness plan. Thank you for sharing…
I think it is important for people to understand that detoxing has changed a great deal from what it once was. Given that we are all constantly exposed to thousands of environmental toxins we should all be detoxing regularly. That does not mean some crazy juice cleanse. It can be as simple as eating Whole Foods (nothing that has been processed). I love seeing my clients reactions after detoxing. They are truly amazed by how dramatic a difference a detox can make. Just give it 30 days and it is enough to create a whole new you!