Science Behind Failing New Year Resolutions and How To Win This Year – Everyone has failed a New Year’s Resolution or a personal goal at some point. You are not alone. In fact, 43% of all people expect to fail before February, and almost one out of four quit within the first week of setting their New Year’s resolution. A mind-blowing 23% do so in the first week. The three most popular goals relate to health; exercising more, eating healthier, and losing weight. We set out to create personal goals because we aim to improve the quality of our lives. Read more so you, too, can slay your goals and become part of the 9% that succeed.
I decided to study the mindset and rationale of quitters, so I would be able to help my clients understand the lessons from their past failures and turn them into success. National Quitters Day is the 2nd Friday of January, as it is noted as being the single biggest losers day, where most throw in the towel and call it quits on their goals.
35% of people attribute losing motivation as the top reason for giving up, followed by being too busy (19%) and changing their goals and priorities (18%). If you want extraordinary success, you need to know why you have not achieved it yet.
Here are 12 neuro-science-based reasons that hinder people from achieving success in their lives. Reflect deeply on each point to see if that is the one holding you back from becoming wildly successful.
1. No vision Having a vision is the single most important requirement to achieve success.
Do this: Figure out what exactly you want to achieve in your life and why you want to achieve it.
2. Rome wasn’t built in a day Success takes weeks, months, and years of struggle to achieve. Be persistent in your approach to fulfilling it.
Do this: Be ready to face several challenges during your journey. Never give up.
3. Commit Long-term goals require a great deal of commitment and effort to achieve. Motivation will wear off. Dedication to your commitment will bring you to the finish line.
Do this: Give your sweat and blood to reach your goals. Make up your mind to adhere to your commitment irrespective of all the hindrances you might face.
4. Do Not Bank on Self-motivation As soon as that extrinsic motivation is gone, you lose your interest in whatever you want to do.
Do this: Shift to aspiration and away from motivation. Long after the emotional party leaves, your desire to aspire will carry you to the finish line.
5. You don’t know how to start. You have many ideas but do not know where to begin, whom to approach, or how to proceed to get a start.
Do this: Pick one idea that you are most passionate about and start working on it. Reach out to mentors and coaches who have achieved similar goals. Become the expert — know your product/service inside and out.
6. Procrastination Island Everything can be done later — but that “later” never comes.
Do this: Understand why you like to procrastinate. Is it because you are too lazy, or do the tasks seem too overwhelming? If you are too lazy, then get off your asset and do the thing you despise first. If the task is too overwhelming, then slice it into smaller chunks, called tasks. Remove all distractions that divert your attention. Work on only one task at a time. Create a sense of urgency.
7. Believe in self, Self-doubt ignites your inner critic to create defeating stories.
Do this: Do not focus on your failures. Learn from them. Focus on small wins. Surround yourself with well-wishers who can inspire you and make you more confident. With confidence comes the self-belief.
8. The Thinker You overanalyze and get stuck in a perfect plan, and your plans are often stymied by analysis paralysis.
Do this: Just get started and figure out the HOW while you are moving towards your goal.
9. Imposter’s Syndrome You don’t feel qualified nor worthy of a position and seek others to validate your ideas.
Do this: This is where self-belief and confidence play a big role. You do not need more credentials or awards. You are smart enough and good enough.
10. You become your excuses. You have excuses for why you are not able to start or complete a task. Nothing is ever your fault.
Do this: The only person you can fool with your justifications is yourself. Look in the mirror for the truth.
11. You’re a pleaser. You have boundary issues. You cannot say no to any request, even if that conflicts with your own priorities.
Do this: To be successful, you need to be your first priority. It is good to help others, but always consider the cost you have to pay for the same.
12. You play victim. It’s never your fault. The whole world is conspiring against you. Most of your time is consumed by whining and blaming others.
Do this: Be accountable for your outcome. Stop complaining about people and processes. Realize that you — and only you — can make your dreams come true.
No one is coming to save you. YOU HAVE TO SAVE YOURSELF.
Keep Your New Year’s resolutions with these helpful tips: Deeply understand why you want to change. What’s your big motivation? Why is it now necessary to change? Set specific and challenging long-term goals (if you feel ready). Consistently set small and realistic short-term goals with daily tasks. Consider an accountability partner. The early bird gets the worm! Improve your sleeping schedule with consistent waking and bedtimes and getting plenty of quality sleep every night. Lastly, the best time to start a goal is ANY TIME.
Do not wait until New Year to go after your goals. Good luck!
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Read More from Executive Contributor Becca Tebon.