Have you gone on the internet looking for health advice? Searching to find someone that can help you find solutions to a current illness for you or a friend? Or you’ve been to the doctors numerous times just to be told, they can’t find anything wrong, but every part of your body is screaming SOMETHING IS WRONG!
You start google searching, reaching out on social media, searching for tips on Pinterest. Right? Is it confusing? Are most of the “experts” you meet more product driven? Or not even real experts at all?
Just over eight years ago, I found myself in a health crisis. I was sick, scared and desperate for health answers. I did what millions of people do every day. I went online in search of health answers. Not any health answer but a more holistic option that could possibly save my life.
I started with google searches, literally typing in “Desperate for Health Answers.” I read everything I could about my illness. Then I went down the rabbit hole of looking at different products. Let me just tell you right up front…there is NO MAGIC PILL! Seriously, you can’t abuse your body for years, ignore your symptoms and then expect to find a magic pill that will make everything better.
It just doesn’t exist.
Next, I progressed into joining a group with other women suffering from Gasterporisis. It was awful; they never shared any tips or suggestions to help you live with your disease. Instead, they compared war stories over they’re shared illness. I found it depressing and not at all helpful. I got out of that group within a month.
Finally, I started seeking out experts, and that was the worse. I met so-called experts calling themselves ‘Homeopaths, Health Coaches, and Wellness Experts’ and yet they had no real experience at all. It did a couple of things: it broke down any trust I might have for a REAL expert that could come along and could really offer me solutions. Second, it wasted precious time, which I didn’t have.
When you are as sick as I was, your worst enemy is time. You are continually racing that clock. So what do you do? You go to the internet. It is an amazing time we are living in, where we have access to actual published research by credible doctors, supported by the top of the line institutes. The speed in which information moves through the internet and to our fingertips is incredible.
Remember the saying “buyer beware?” Well, it couldn’t be more accurate when searching for an online expert to help you find answers. Sadly there are people out there that will take advantage of your fear, illness and your desperation to be healthy. I know I said earlier that time isn’t on your side. In this case, you need to take a minute and let the information you’re getting from experts sink in.
Once you’ve verified their credentials and want to see if they’re a good fit for you and your personal health journey you should do the following:
- Follow them on their social media. This is an excellent platform for you to see what their followers are saying about them.
- Ask questions and see how they are answering them.
- Recognize if they’re promoting particular products. Products aren’t bad things, all of us experts have special products in our tool bags that we trust to share with our clients. The difference is, is that all they are talking about? I call those people product pushers. These people feel that putting the product in their client’s hands is more important than finding out the real need of their clients.
- Is your expert showing up for his or her clients? Are the actually showing up and participating in their personal groups? Or are you going into that expert’s group and just finding lots of video’s and tutorials? Again these are all fantastic tools, but when I was sick, I wanted someone who was going to show up for me when I paid them for their services.
- Trust your gut. Ask your expert questions, and check to research their answers. You should have good rapport from start to finish.
On my 8-year health journey, I learned a lot of things. I learned there are real experts online, and there is real HOPE! You just have to know how to look for it. Now working in the health and wellness field, I find myself on the other side of this coin. I have clients approach me, and I can feel the fear, distrust, and desperation.
What if there was a place you could go, where all the experts have been interviewed and vetted to be REAL experts and leading influencers in their field? What if you could spend months with them, asking questions and getting to know them? What if this space didn’t allow any product promotion of any kind, so you never had to worry about being sold to? What, if this space was FREE? That is a lot of what if’s right?
If this speaks to you, join The Health Influencers Mastermind. This group is compiled of several experts and major influencers. We bring in new experts every 90 days, so if you don’t meet your expert, new ones are always joining us. Eight years ago, I was praying for just enough time to make a few more memories with my grandchildren. I was scared and desperate for health answers.
I got lucky, and not only met my perfect expert, but that expert had some pretty awesome tools in their tool bag, and once they knew what my health needs were they shared some of them with me. I too was once scared and desperate for health answers.
If this sounds like you, come meet the rest of our experts and myself. We’re waiting to meet you.
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