Spring is my favorite time of the year to create fresh, colorful recipes and adding essential oils to your food while cooking is a holistic and natural way to add flavor to your diet. Please, remember all the essential oils are NOT created equally especially if you’re ingesting them. I use dōTERRA essential oils. After I spent time researching the quality, sustainability and co-impact sourcing dōTERRA was the oil I trusted to share with my family and friends. Take your time and study your essential oil and you can adapt this recipe with your favorite choice. If you are ingesting essential oils be sure to check the label to make sure it’s safe. All of the dōTERRA oils are not meant for consumption.
I have been adding essential oils, to my food, water and in veggie capsules for eight years now. I do my research and read all the labels thoroughly. What goes into my body is a priority after being sick. When adding essential oils, beware that a little goes a long way. Some of my recipes will say a toothpick of “oregano” for instance. I promise you it will be enough, remember you can always add more, but you will have a tough time diluting if you add too much. To give you a little perspective, on how pure and potent essential oils are. One drop of dōTERRA’s peppermint essential oil is equivalent to drinking 28 cups of peppermint tea! That is a lot of peppermint tea.
I love feedback on these recipes, if you get the chance to create this delicious dish, take a photo and share it with #teamorethanoils with your comments. Our followers love hearing your comments on our recipes!
Let us know if you try this recipe or have a recipe that is similar in the comments below.

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