How Gratitude Heals the Pain of Rejection: 5 Proven Strategies – The pain felt like a knife that glowed electric orange with unbearably hot heat as it seared…
How to Overcome Skepticism: 5 Strategies for Success as a Leader
How to Overcome Skepticism: 5 Strategies for Success as a Leader – Skepticism is a pervasive challenge that women in entrepreneurship, leadership, and CEO…
Your Body’s Pattern Holds a Key to Your Success
Your Body’s Pattern Holds a Key to Your Success—Over the last 25 years, I have worked with thousands of women all over the world—from South Africa to London…
Entrepreneurs Guide to Sacred Mantras To Increase Productivity
Entrepreneurs Guide to Sacred Mantras To Increase Productivity – If you are an Entrepreneur like me, it is a journey filled with challenges, uncertainties…
The Power of Thoughts: How My Mom Survived Ovarian Cancer
The Power of Thoughts: How My Mom Survived Ovarian Cancer – “You are not your thoughts.” This is true only if you choose to believe them. While it can be…