The Complete Hormone Puzzle Cookbook: Your Guide to Decoding Hormones and Infertility Naturally
By Kela Smith
Why do so many women struggle with infertility? Is it a lack of education? An issue with their health? Not knowing where to start? Poor food choices? Lack of effort? The wrong mindset? Actually it could be any of these but the one I see more often than any is poor food choices! Optimal fertility is created by how you nourish your body. I like to call it intentional eating. It’s not about deprivation, starvation or not eating this or that. It’s about eating delicious, nutritious food that is as close to nature as possible so you give your body everything it needs to build a healthy baby. I named this book, The hormone puzzle because you are literally putting together all the pieces so your body works for you not against you and you effortlessly create and sustain life the way your body was intended to. The Hormone puzzle is going to teach you how to:
-Use whole food in delicious combinations to heal your body from within so you become pregnant naturally.
– Discover which foods will give you energy and which foods take energy away.
-Learn what foods to eat to cut inflammation in the body which is one of the leading causes of infertility and hormone imbalance.
-Food combinations designed to balance hormones, so you look and feel your best.
-These food combinations will help to balance your blood sugar so you stay full and satisfied ALL day.
This book will also be your journal for exploring your thoughts, feelings, and emotions while one of this difficult journey. It’s time to put your body into the optimal state for conception and get you pregnant once and for all.
You can purchase this book on amazon by clicking here.
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