The Power Of Love: Your Ultimate Guide To Lifelong Happiness – Hello, February, the month of love! Let’s celebrate love regardless of your relationship status, as I want you to focus on the most vital love of all: your self-love! Your journey to lasting happiness begins with self-love. I want you to love yourself unconditionally and embrace all your imperfections and flaws. Remember, it is what makes you unique and beautiful!
Fifteen years ago, I embarked on a life-changing journey when I moved from Switzerland to the bustling city of New York. My quest was to discover what had been missing from my life, and I spent years chasing an elusive something. I tried changing external factors – my job, my apartment, and even my partner – but that nagging feeling persisted. I was living in this beautiful and vibrant city, but instead of finding what was missing, I stumbled upon home food deliveries that Europe lacked. Without realizing it, I gained 40 pounds in less than a year.
Like many women, I dove into the cycle of trying every diet imaginable. However, I wasn’t really losing weight; I was losing my joy. There I was, in an electrifying city, confined to my home, eating my three celery sticks, hating myself, my body, and others. That’s when I knew it was time for a change, I needed to shift my focus from my plate to my life. I needed to first find happiness and then I could take care of my food. I told myself, “Nat, this is your new body, and instead of hating it, learn to love it. Extra weight doesn’t diminish your beauty or worth.”
It was easier said than done, but I did it; I started my journey with the five stages of grief by Kubler Ross: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. Once I accepted my new body, my next step was to love it.
I made a daily ritual of standing in front of the mirror naked and forced myself to find at least one aspect of my body to love. At first, it was a struggle, as I couldn’t see past my self-criticism. However, over time, this exercise transformed me. Starting with my hair, I gradually learned to love every curve and nuance of my body. I became so comfortable in my own skin that I oozed this amazing energy and confidence. No one could even dare think I had extra weight.
As I delved deeper into self-love, I discovered not only a love for my body but also a profound love for myself. To this day, I stand before the mirror, not just to admire my body but to celebrate the person I’ve become. I found a love and acceptance for myself that had been missing all along. That self-love became the key to unlocking happiness; I think that was the missing element I kept chasing in my life. People, things, and even the perfect body can come and go, but the one constant is the person you see in the mirror – YOU!
Self-love isn’t just crucial for boosting confidence and finding happiness; it’s also the foundation for building meaningful relationships. After all, how can you expect others to love and accept you if you don’t love yourself first? Think about it, if you want a healthy and fulfilling relationship, you need to first discover how to love yourself because when you truly do it, you gain the clarity to recognize what genuine love should look like.
This also allows you to set healthy boundaries, make choices that prioritize your well-being, and attract partners who appreciate and respect you for who you are. With self-love in your pocket, you can navigate your relationships with confidence, as you know your worth and won’t settle for anything less than you deserve…
Even if you don’t want a relationship right now because you are not ready or you want to be your own soulmate, just remember that it is through self-love that you build authentic connections with anyone. It is important to enrich the quality of your life and relationships with anyone.
As we celebrate the month of love this February, let’s dedicate it to the love you have for yourself. Create it, nurture it, and make it extraordinary. You have a wealth of love to offer, but before extending it to anyone else, give it to yourself. Love that reflection in the mirror unconditionally, flaws and all. Once you embrace self-love, happiness will naturally follow, making everything else in life the icing on the cake.
Love is also the primary ingredient in my Happiness Cocktail, but there are more secrets to discover. Stay tuned for next month’s edition, where I’ll reveal the other components that contribute to lifelong happiness.
And if you need personalized guidance on your journey to happiness, scan the QR code below to set up your FREE Happiness Breakthrough Session. I’m here to help you kickstart your path to happiness. In the meantime, I’m sending you all my love…
Connect with Nathalie: https://www.thebon-vivantgirl.com/links
More articles from our VIP Executive Contributor, Nathalie Botros.