Everything in you lies dormant until it’s ready for the light. While it lies dormant, what you might not know, is that it’s gaining momentum; a momentum you can’t necessarily feel or predict. That’s because it isn’t born out of self-awareness…it’s a product of gradual intention poked by discomfort. Self-awareness is the gift of discomfort.
Challenge, struggle and quests for happiness all involve a shedding of what you have outgrown or the releasing of what no longer feels in alignment with who you are becoming. You will experience a resistance within as you grow too big for your old self. Sometimes you will retreat and sometimes you will push through. Mostly, though, you’ll push through.
All wondrous things emerge after a stripping away of the worn and over-familiar. With dormancy grows a willingness to heal even or especially in hibernation Bears lumber from a long winter’s sleep in their protective caves. Breads, smelling like heaven and boasting a warm crust are transformed after hours of doughy rising and time on baking racks. Buds appear on long awaited tree branches after a season of loss and removal. And finally, the first signs of new life burst through the soil when the flowers seek the season of sunshine; Spring.
Each time you find the way forward in your life, you are experiencing a personal Spring. The same as a seedling leaves the comfort of hugging soil, you leave something behind. You peel away at conditioning, leak toxicity down the drain, strip away unwanted beliefs, allow pain and suffering to flow through you till its gone. You stretch like an inevitable season into new life.
But, my friends, Spring isn’t only a season…it’s a ‘new life’ rite of passage. It appears directly after the death of a life cycle. Cycles of life that need to die for expanded growth to take heed. Nature is your greatest example. She offers universal symbols of hope after loss, rejuvenation after devastation and life after death. She offers the highlight of bright colors, beaming shows of spectacular leaves, flowers and grass that prove endurance and eternal life force. In this, you are connected to divine space and time.
During your lifetime, you will die a thousand little deaths and rise a thousand times. You are limitless and beyond extinction. Pretty dramatic language but oozing with truth. There is nothing about you that can’t overcome, override, or overbear the things that threaten to keep you in place.
The Season of newness is not restricted to nature. Rather it is a reminder of what you can accomplish if you do not worry about what comes next, what form it is in or how it arrives. No matter the threats to her; rain, wind, or temperature, Spring arrives willingly.
And like the dawning freshness of Spring, you too can emerge anew; resilient, wise and ready for the next phase of life. The key is allowing ‘what is’ to be wholly acceptable. In this way you demonstrate a joyous trust in your own path, a love for what you have become and who you are on a journey to be.
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