THE ‘YET’ FACTOR Catapults You From Zero to Hero! – I first met Jana Short, author of THE ‘YET’ FACTOR, when she invited me to be a guest on her podcast, “Oh, My Health…There Is Hope.” I’ve been a guest on many TV and radio shows, and all too often, once the cameras go off, the host’s true self emerges, which is not always the positive public persona projected by the host. With Jana, I saw that she was the same on camera as she was off camera. She is truly genuine and sincere about her work. As an interviewer, her easy-going style encourages a guest to open up and reveal your inner most thoughts and feelings. This is what makes Jana a superb talk show host.
After the interview, Jana invited me to join her ensemble of writers for “Best Holistic Life,” a quarterly online publication she had recently launched. “Best Holistic Life” rapidly evolved into a major monthly publication both online and in print format with millions of subscribers.
To say Jana is impressive would be an understatement. Her positive influence sweeps the globe as a best-selling author, podcast host, holistic health influencer, and entrepreneur. She coaches clients through her expertise as a master practitioner in NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy). Jana has been featured on the cover of numerous magazines. Her accolades include recognition as the Top Magazine Publisher and Publicist of the Year by IAOTP (International Association of Top Professionals), Influential Women of the World-Global Influencers, One of the Top Entrepreneurs for 2020, Woman of the Year by Hollywood Soeleish Magazine, and Los Angeles Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top Influencer, to name a few.
It is easy to see Jana Short as a force of nature with an unlimited source of energy. She truly appears bigger than life—but it wasn’t always that way. In her not-too-distant past Jana’s health hit rock bottom. She was diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition with a fatal prognosis and it appeared her life had zero future.
For most people the natural reaction to such a dire diagnosis would be to sink into the quicksand of despair. Instead of surrendering to what medical doctors claimed was the inevitable, Jana refused to accept this fate and she emerged healthier, stronger, more positive and determined. Jana Short shouldn’t even be here—yet—she is. Literally Jana is the phoenix who rose from the ashes.
How did she do it? The answer is THE ‘YET’ FACTOR, which catapulted her from zero to hero!
THE ‘YET’ FACTOR may be one of the most important books you will ever read. It will educate, encourage, and motive you to be more than you ever dreamed you could be.
I was honored when Jana asked me to write this foreword. As I was reading this extremely engaging and well written book, I felt uplifted and inspired. It resonated with me on a personal level as it brought to my mind the wise advice of my parents.
I recalled my father’s mantra, “Success is failure turned inside out,” and my mother’s affirmation, “Believe you have value and never overlook yourself.”
THE ‘YET’ FACTOR teaches this, and no one is more qualified than Jana Short to show you how. THE ‘YET’ FACTOR will change your thinking. Yet, it is much more than a positive thinking book. It goes far beyond that by examining how what may be holding you back in life can be deeply ingrained in your DNA. THE ‘YET’ FACTOR explains, “Generational trauma passes traumatic experiences from one generation to the next. Trauma can imprint DNA, influencing gene expression and impact emotional and physical health. Ultimately this can lead to a depressed mindset and poor physical health. THE ‘YET’ FACTOR helps identify these chains of your past and your family’s past and help you to unshackle yourself from an outmoded and unnecessary negative self-image.”
Marine Corps Drill Sergeants call this negative mindset and self-image “stinkin’ thinkin.’” THE ‘YET’ FACTOR can reshape your stinkin’ thinkin’ in many ways, beginning with understanding the power of words. You will discover how your body actually believes what you tell it. The power of our thoughts and words shapes our reality. If you tell yourself you’re sick, you’ll find a way to be sick. If you tell yourself, you cannot do something, then you’ll believe you cannot do something. The fascinating thing is that most of us do not even realize we’re mired in these behavior patterns. These are the by-products of generational trauma and learned behaviors acquired during our childhood.
American Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited with saying, “life is a journey, not a destination.” The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” An empowering feature of THE ‘YET’ FACTOR is realization your journey of self-transformation takes time. It’s okay to misstep and even fall because your journey focuses on progress rather than perfection. Every small step you take moves you closer to reaching your full potential. One of these small steps is a simple shift in perspective. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” you add “yet,” transforming it into, “I can’t do this—yet,” or “I haven’t done that—yet.” THE ‘YET’ FACTOR helps you appreciate each moment of your growth and understand that what you learn during the journey, even the missteps and falls provide the skills which will enable you to reach your destination.
Balance in your life is critical for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being and growth. My work as an afterlife science, near-death experience researcher and evidential psychic medium focuses on bridging the gap between the spiritual and the scientific. Most people are familiar with the term “aura.” An aura is the electromagnetic energy field perceived as the radiating light that surrounds an energy source. For example, the “glow” around a light bulb is an aura. You are seeing its energy field. Humans and all living beings have energy fields aka auras. There are four levels to our auric field: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. When one or more of your energy levels is out of balance this negatively impacts other aspects of your being.
Think what happens when your back is out of alignment—you’re in pain. This pain then infiltrates all aspects of your life, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In other words, when you’re in physical pain it is difficult to be emotionally happy, mentally focused and spiritually aware. One imbalance throws everything out of alignment. But when you are balanced physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, you feel good and life rocks!
THE ‘YET’ FACTOR demonstrates how to bring this balance into your life and energize you to achieve things you did not believe possible. That is one of the reasons why THE ‘YET’ FACTOR is an excellent guide for entrepreneurs. One of the key components to balance in your life is accumulating wealth. This means more than just financial security; it is realizing your monetary objectives and achieving economic success.
For too long financial success has been stigmatized due an often-misquoted Bible verse, that “money is the root of all evil.” When you examine the entire Bible verse in 1 Timothy 6:10 it actually states, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” This is a significant difference. Love of money conjures images of the iconic movie “Wall Street” where nefarious narcissist Gordon Gekko stated, “Greed is good!” This villainous tycoon masterfully portrayed by Michael Douglas exemplified how some people love money so much that it becomes their master instead of their servant. This creates the negative mindset of greed which can drag one into the darkness of insatiable desire and self-centeredness.
On the flip side of the karmic coin, financial guru George Clason wrote, “Money is the medium by which earthly success is measured. Money makes possible the enjoyment of the best the earth affords.” Making money is a good thing and profit is not a bad word. One must not love money, but rather what money can do especially when applied as an extension of your love. Once again, balance is the key.
As one of the leading Global Influencers and Top Entrepreneurs, Jana Short teaches you in THE ‘YET’ FACTOR how financial success is one of the keys to achieving a winning mindset and attaining a successful balance in your life. THE ‘YET’ FACTOR illuminates how financial prosperity becomes a positive extension of a person who is well balanced physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Economic success enables you to enjoy the fruits of your labors and provide for loved ones. Financial prosperity also empowers you assist charities which help make the world, or at least your corner of it, a more positive place.
At some point in life, you may feel you have no value and zero future. No one knows this better than author Jana Short. THE ‘YET’ FACTOR is a must-read book which transforms you from the limiting self-doubt attitude into the limitless possibilities of the ‘YET’ mindset which energizes you physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially. This enlightening book will empower you to recognize that each growth moment of your life journey is as significant as the destination. THE ‘YET’ FACTOR mindset catapults you from zero to the hero of your own life story.
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