Ticking Clocks and Broken Dreams: The Tragic Danger of Procrastination – First of all, know this: Procrastination is not about ineffective time management. Most people make the mistake of trying to approach it that way, only to find themselves frustrated by the lack of success. It will never be tamed by using this approach. You might get some temporary help by applying new and fancy time management techniques (Franklin Covey made a fortune due to people attempting to solve procrastination this way). But it’s not going to be an antidote that will help you solve it long-term.
As a Life Coach, I help people to not only define what their life goals and dreams are but also plan how to obtain them. Obtaining your life dreams should not be thought of as a luxury. It is your birthright! We are put on this planet to live a life of wellbeing and fulfillment. So I always applaud people who decide that, despite their fears, they want to live a “better” life and achieve their most wanted desires.
When I ask them what they have done in the past to try working towards this, many times, they don’t have a defined plan of action. But another common response is that they tell me they started on a path toward their dream but either couldn’t get going due to procrastination, or they fizzled out early on and kept procrastinating the reattempt.
Procrastination and Emotions
Procrastination is an issue of emotions. Specifically, fear and doubt. Some people have a hard time wrapping their heads around this notion, but it is very true when it comes to pursuing dreams and desires. We might be fighting against subconscious beliefs such as “I’m not smart enough,” “I’ll never succeed, “or “My dream is too big for me to accomplish.” All of these are internal subconscious beliefs that can easily derail anyone due to the amount of fear and doubt they create.
So that is one of the very first areas I help the person with …to identify their subconscious beliefs, challenge them, and then I show the individual a specific way to diminish them.
The Tragedy of Procrastination
In my opinion, the real tragedy of procrastination is that if not addressed, it can rob a person of the life they truly wanted to live because they were too afraid or doubtful to go after it. Helping people to turn all this around so they are no longer STUCK in procrastinating their desires…. THIS is one of the top reasons I love what I do. To witness the joy and exhilaration a person has when their dream is right before their eyes is indescribable. They have not only what they’ve always wanted but a whole new level of self-esteem and self-confidence that will last a lifetime. That alone is worth the journey.
I heard a fact of information from Darren Hardy that really captures what I am referring to. Psychologists say that “nothing creates more internal trauma than when what we are doing on the outside is less than what we are capable of on the inside”. I agree with this 100%. In fact, I think that description captures the very essence of why we feel so lousy when we constantly procrastinate.
The Power You Have
Reread this assertion and then take a moment to think of the power the statement has. Or better said, think of the power YOU can have if you utilize the knowledge in this statement! You have a choice to harness your potential and “go for it.” Don’t let your life go by without realizing who you truly came to be in this lifetime. You are limitless!
My website is http://virginiaoman.com. Please feel free to reach out for more information about this or if you’re interested in finding out about how you can live the life you truly want to have. Again, we only have this ONE chance to live, so why not make it the best experience possible?
Note: I know firsthand the power that fear and doubt can have, and I almost let it stop me from going for one of my desired goals in life. I have the neurological condition of MS, which can rob a person not only of energy but the ability of their body to balance. MY dream was to be able to learn to ride a 2-wheel bicycle again. EVERYONE said I was NUTS! I mean, what would make a person who no longer has balance think that they could possibly ride a 2 wheel bike when the number one requirement of being able to do so is ……BALANCE?. Did I encounter fear along the way? Absolutely YES. But this was a dream I truly wanted, so I set out to accomplish it by using these principles. (You can read about this journey and the results at thefightorideabike.com)
“Secrets to the Powerful Mind-Body Connection I work each day on five major areas of life and in Secrets to the Powerful Mind-Body Connection. I describe in detail one of those areas that I used to change my health and happiness. Are you ready to Transform your life? Take the next step! Subscribe now for your FREE guide. https://virginiaoman.com/free-download/ “
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