If there is one true NEMISIS to living…it is FEAR. And if you examine FEAR for what is truly is, you would see that it is a LIAR. It always tells you ‘you can’t’ or creates overwhelming self-doubt. Or it pulls you into a paralysis. Or it stalls your creativity. It absolutely affects your vitality.
That’s because FEAR is connected to all the conditioning you’ve come to believe is real for you…when it isn’t.
Stuff like:
- Money is hard to get and keep
- I am not enough (too fat, too thin, too young, too old, too weak, too dumb, too underprivileged)
- I should be doing this, that, or the other thing (or I’m not worthy)
- I should be good all the time (or people will not approve of me, God will punish me, etc.)
- If I’m perfect…life will work out for me.
- I’ll never be good at that.
All hogwash, by the way. You are meant to be vital and happy and powerfully limitless. No…really. Truth is…FEAR is afraid of you loosening its hold or getting too far away from its cautionary, or irrational musings. Don’t allow FEAR’s voice to keep you mired in helplessness or despair. Don’t allow FEAR’s arrogance to paint you a victim.
Don’t allow FEAR’s reminder that you aren’t good enough to create a false image of who you really are. The only good thing fear actually does is point you indirectly to what you really want. All you have to do is admit it and start heading for it. You can see it…I know you do.
- Inner Peace
- Calm
- Prosperity
- Authenticity
Turning your attention to the part of you that is source connected, your higher self, your inner being, your God essence, is how you turn the volume down on FEAR. The part of you that is non-physical is the hero of your life. It knows you better than anyone else. It lives in you and waits for you to recognize its presence. It pokes you, prods you, guides you and nudges you. If you swat it away like an inconvenient insect…you’ll be swatting away your best shot at overcoming FEAR. It is the limitless, powerful, love-filled, no-holes-barred version of you. It is the voice trying hard to get you to remember that you are more than what you’ve come to believe. It is the reason you feel conflicted, unhappy, unsettled, stressed, misaligned, or confused.
Your inner self is at odds with your human ego. Time to tell FEAR to take a back seat! You can notice its voice but do your best to ignore it…with persistence. It’s amazing what you can do when you feel but ignore your fear. Just pay attention to what fear is telling you and get real, get logical, get forceful and tell it ‘it’s wrong’.
Allow your powerful self to step forward and take control…what do you have to lose? Okay, well…you’ll lose self-doubt, anxiety, stress, and frustration. Follow a path where FEAR fears to tread – nothing is stronger than your non-physical side and its players (guides, angels, masters, teachers in spirit)…it’s like walking in the scariest places with a bad-ass posse guarding your flank.
Show FEAR the door and don’t look back. While you allow FEAR to drive, you move farther and farther away from all the beautiful things waiting for you. Time, buttercup, to climb into the driver’s seat. I, and your higher self, think you can…in fact, we know you can.

Lisa, what a great post, full of empowerment for everyone!! Articles like these are the “Launch Pads” I look for to share with my clients. Concise and informative it lets them know they are not alone, it encourages that first step towards finding all the beautiful things waiting for them.
In the garage, I put a trash can by the mudroom before you walk in the door. The sign above it says. “This is home, we don’t live in stress, so leave yours here!” with an arrow pointing down at the trashcan.
Scott – I love your sign…what a magnificent reminder that just because we feel it…we don’t have to carry it around!! Thanks for your comment!