Unspoken Burdens: The Real Reason Women Are Exhausted
The women I support aren’t exhausted by what they are DOING…
They are exhausted because of what they are AVOIDING.
And, if I had to guess, I bet it’d be no different with you.
The women I support have done more than enough by the time we cross paths.
- Done the testing
- Done the protocols
- Done whatever fancy new stuff is available to “read” your energy and tell you what you “need.”
- Seen every kind of doctor, specialist, and practitioner you could think of
- Cut out food that they love and choked down things they hate
- Missed out on social events and capturing memories in moments they’ll never get back.
These women have forfeited their life…
And, I always have to gently remind them as I will you….
Yes, you’ve done a lot AND there are things not mentioned and that haven’t made this list that you can still do.
Did you just let out a big sigh?
Did you roll your eyes?
Do you maybe want to stop your feet?
I get it AND that too is a totally normal response coming from someone who is SO TIRED by just BEING…
So, what exactly are the things I am speaking to?
What are the things many of my clients have yet to do?
I am so glad you asked…
Many of my clients have yet to admit that…
- They’re unhappy
- They hate their job
- Their marriage is loveless, routine, and, in some instances, falling apart.
- They are lonely and crave a partner (at the very least companionship)
- They’re feeling super stuck
- They lack community and connection with other women.
- They find motherhood all-consuming, and it cripples them
- They have no idea who they are, and they feel lost
- They have it “all” and want more
The messy, needy, tired, angry, angsty, hungry, and lonely parts haven’t been witnessed.
The perfectionist in you (and them) hasn’t been beautifully un-perfected. They haven’t released the things they’ve been holding onto, have been taught to ignore, or think they need to fix.
And when you cultivate safety to land in this place
That’s when you move mountains in a palpable way
A world where all women feel safe, called, and compelled to do this work is a world I dream of
Life doesn’t slow down, stop, and wait for you to be ready to do this work.
Life offers you invitations
Are you responding or ignoring yours?
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- More articles are available from our VIP Executive Contributor, Taylor Sappington.