What If You Say Yes To New Possibilities And Be Happy – We all love our routines, and the unknown tends to scare us. Most times, we’d rather stick to what we know than take a risk. But here’s the thing: Taking a risk can totally change your life. So, why are we so hesitant to say yes to new opportunities? Let me ask you a question: Have you ever said yes to something you weren’t sure about and ended up pleasantly surprised?
I have! And something unexpected hit me. I had a very specific list for the ideal boyfriend: He should be European like me so we have more things in common. If he is American, then he must at least speak three languages. He must be well-traveled like me and have the time and means to do so. Oh, and he has to love fine food because I am a foodie and not into that processed stuff. I knew that if I met someone who had the qualities from this list, I would hit the jackpot.
I am sure you have some kind of list as well. Maybe your list isn’t about the perfect boyfriend but about your dream job or a life-changing move. How many times have you said no because it didn’t fit the profile and you wanted to prevent a negative outcome? Rejecting opportunities that don’t meet your checklist might mean missing out on a transformative experience. I get it—I spent too much time dating “my type” until I took a chance.
I said yes to a date with an American man who speaks only English with a Brooklyn accent and eats mostly wings and pizza. Nothing from my list… Before our first date, I knew this was going to be a short date, and I would be home in an hour at the most. What could be talked about, we didn’t have much in common…
Oh well, I was wrong, the first date lasted six hours and we never left each other again…
It’s been nearly four years since we have been together, and by the way, he still doesn’t speak any other languages than English but we travel a lot and he likes it! And the food? Well at home it’s still wings, pizza, pasta, steak, and French fries, but when we go out, he’ll at least try new food. The most important part, I wake up every day with a smile even if he doesn’t check all the boxes. I could’ve stuck to my comfort zone, said no, and missed out on what turned out to be the best decision of my life. What was the worst that could’ve happened? A short drink and going home? Not that bad.
I know that taking the plunge takes courage and exposes us to challenges, but it also helps with personal growth and development. Overcoming fears and uncertainties associated with these chances not only builds resilience but also boosts self-confidence which leads to a more positive outlook on life. Think about it next time you are facing a situation where you think it won’t work… and try to go for it. I am not telling you to say yes to big decisions right away; you can start small. Say yes to a movie, say yes to a new restaurant, say yes to a job interview, or say yes to a date…
Investing in you and new opportunities by saying YES is one of the essential ingredients in my Happiness Cocktail. Every month I reveal another ingredient from my delicious elixir so if you missed any of the previous cocktail components, be sure to catch up on the previous articles and stay tuned for future insights. If you need personalized guidance, scan the QR code below to set up your FREE Happiness Breakthrough Session. I’m here to help you kickstart your path to happiness.
Remember: when you say YES, it opens the door to exciting possibilities and enriching encounters that can transform your life.
Connect with Nathalie: https://www.thebon-vivantgirl.com/links
More articles from our VIP Executive Contributor, Nathalie Botros.